Santa Monica Electrician – Considerations when You Lose Power

Whether it is from storms or a fault in your home’s wiring, when the power goes out life gets difficult. Hopefully, you are able to talk to your Santa Monica electrical company and power is restored quickly. However, it is important to prepare yourself for the worst. Consider the following tips to make your next power outage more bearable. In the meantime, contact a Santa Monica electrician, such as The Electric Connection, to see if there are improvements you can make to your home’s wiring system to reduce the chances of a power outage.

Power Outage Tips

  • Avoid using candles during a power outage; a flashlight is much safer.
  • Keeping a battery-powered radio handy and listen to local programming. This can allow you to track the weather and prepare safety measures.
  • Turn off all electrical equipment that you were using when the power fails. This prevents a power surge when the power returns.
  • Try to avoid opening your freezer or refrigerator. This keeps the food within at a lower temperature.
  • Do leave one light turned on, so that you know when the power comes back.
  • Do not run a stand-alone generator in your home or garage—only use a properly installed outdoor generator.

Prepare Ahead by Keeping the Following Items on Hand

  • Flashlights
  • A portable radio
  • Batteries for flashlights and radio
  • A supply of fresh, bottled water
  • A small amount of food that does not require refrigeration or electricity to prepare—canned goods are an excellent choice.

If you are ready to make changes to your home’s electrical system, call the expert electrician in Santa Monica—The Electric Connection. You can also reach the company by searching for “electrician Santa Monica” and visit the website at .  One of our experts will be happy to discuss your power options.

Pasadena Electrician – Benefits of a Residential Generator

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were to lose power in your home? For most people, the inconvenience would be enormous. Food spoils, temperature control is an issue, security devices fail and you may even lose access to certain methods of communications. A certified Pasadena electrician can help you prevent these issues by installing a residential generator.

What is a Residential Generator?

A residential generator safeguards your home from the perils of power failure. It is on standby until the time you need it. It operates on natural gas or propane energy and kicks in when the main source of electricity is interrupted. It is a good investment for those who would not be able to handle an extended period of time without electricity. An electrician in Pasadena, such as one from The Electric Connection, can explain more about the benefits.

How Does the Generator Activate When Needed?

The generator is installed by a Pasadena electrical contractor through an electrical transfer switch. The switch “watches” the home’s energy source. When there is an interruption, the switch signals the generator, which in turn activates. When the main power is reconnected, the switch once again signals the generator—this time to shut off. The switch makes certain there is never more than once source of power to your home.

Choosing a Generator

Searching the web for electrician Pasadena to find someone to talk about your generator needs is the best way to go about choosing a generator. It is important to remember that generators come in different sizes, so depending on the square footage of your home, you may need a larger or smaller generator than someone else needs.

If you think a generator may be the right choice to solve your home’s power problem, call The Electric Connection or visit us at  to talk to a Pasadena electrician about your options today.

Glendale Electrician – Fun Facts About Electricity

It seems like nearly everything operates on electricity today. All the modern conveniences and necessities that drive the world rely on electricity to keep them going. While we take for granted that when we plug in our television, for instance, it will power on and allow us to watch our favorite shows, there is actually a lot going on behind the scenes. While you will call a Glendale electrician, such as The Electric Connection, with any major problems, it is nice to understand the basic facts about the electricity you use on a daily basis— such as AC and DC current.

Facts about Electricity

  • Electricity travels at or near the speed of light. It would take less than two seconds for a light bulb to turn on if you had the switch on earth.
  • Nearly everyone knows that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb—he also opened the first electrical power plant just three years later.
  • Static electricity can create up to 3000 volts of power.
  • Nearly 70 people each year on average are killed by lightning strikes.
  • One lightning bolt creates enough electricity to service 200,000 homes.
  • The two types of electricity are static electricity and current electricity.
  • Electrical current is measured by an ampere , better known as an amp.
  • The earliest recorded notation of electricity occurred in the time of the ancient Egyptians—well before Benjamin Franklin’s experiments.
  • Speaking of Benjamin Franklin, he may not have discovered electricity, but he did prove the lightning is a form of electrical energy.

These fun facts barely scratch the surface of the information out there when it comes to electricity and other forms of power. If you have more in-depth questions, search for electrician Glendale by visiting The Electric Connection’s website at or getting in touch with us today.

Beverly Hills Electrician – The Benefits of Whole Home Surge Protectors

A power surge is something you never expect, but can have drastic consequences for your home or place of business. A surge can be so small you do not notice it all, it can cause a flicker in your lights or it can cause damages as great as that from a lightning strike. An average claim from a surge-damaged house costs thousands of dollars. However, there is a solution. An electrician in Beverly Hills, like one of the experts from The Electric Connection, can install a whole house surge protector. Understanding these surges, and how a surge protector works, can save you thousands in damages and possibly save your life.

Causes of a Power Surge

The main thing people think about when they hear the term power surge is a lightning strike. Oddly enough, this is far from the most common. According the Surge Protection Institute, an estimated 80% of power surges start inside the house—often from a major appliance as it cycles on and off. These small surges can affect other sensitive electronics such as Plasma TVs and computer equipment. A Beverly Hills electrician can help you identify which of your devices may be susceptible to such damage.

Surge Protectors

You may be familiar with a small surge protector in which you plug a computer or other item to protect them from surges. This is a great solution as it is affordable and something you can do on your own. However, there is an even easier way to protect all your equipment. Contact a Beverly Hills electrical contractor and ask about the possibility of installing a whole house surge protector. A whole home surge protector will protect against up to 50,000 amps of current. It diverts the excess current and diverts it via the house’s grounding.

If you think a whole home surge protector may be the right choice for your house, search for electrician Beverly Hills and visit The Electric Connection’s website today.

Los Angeles Electrician – Smoke Alarm Considerations

Having smoke alarms is one of the essential ways you can protect your family in your home. The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) has estimated that nearly 70 percent of those who perish in a house fire were in homes where there was no smoke alarm. Additionally, it is estimated that nearly one thousand deaths per year could be prevented by installing smoke alarms in every home. Learn more about the considerations you must make regarding smoke alarms and then call a Los Angeles electrical company, such as The Electric Connection, to install this important device today.

Building Codes

There are building codes that mandate the installation of smoke alarms. These are developed at both the state and local level. Since there are so many codes and requirements you must keep in mind, it is recommended that you find an electrician in Los Angeles that has a thorough knowledge of NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm Code as well as these local ordinances.


It is important not only to have a smoke detector, but also to install enough and install them in a proper location. It’s important to install the number of smoke detectors that are required in your area. Additionally, connecting the detectors, means that there will be an early warning if a fire breaks out in another part of the home. When working with an electrician, Los Angeles residents should request that the detector be mounted on the ceiling or high on the wall.

Power Source

A smoke alarm can operate on batteries, electrical systems or a combination. An alarm that operates on both is most desirable, since it protects you even if there is a power outage or dead battery situation. Testing your smoke alarm regularly is vitally important to make certain it will be there for you when you need it.

If you want to talk to a Los Angeles Electrician about installing a smoke alarm system in your home, visit us at or call us at The Electric Connection today.

Los Angeles Electrician – Federal Pacific Panels

Do you or does someone that you know have a Federal Pacific Electrical panel in their business or home? There are a number of reasons that these panels are unsafe, which means that they should be replaced as quickly as possible. One of the first reasons is simply because they are so old. Federal Pacific panels have not been installed in many years. The main reason that they should be replaced by your electrician in Los Angeles is because the circuit breakers in the panel may not always trip whenever they should. This can lead to some very serious issues with your home’s electrical system.

An Example

A couple years ago, one of our technicians were called out to inspect a circuit wire that appeared to have bubbled up. Whenever he arrived at the location, he discovered that this particular circuit had been overloaded so far that the sheath covering on the cable started to boil. Upon further inspection, he found out that the power for this particular cable came from a Federal Pacific electrical panel. What happened, was that the homeowner’s air conditioning unit was experiencing issues that caused it to seize up, continuously pulling more and more power from the panel. Rather than tripping like it should have, the circuit breaker remained on, leading to the boiling cable sheathe.

Although we were able to correct this problem relatively quickly, it could very easily have turned out much worse. This overloaded wire could have caught fire, or remained unnoticed and poorly insulated until it came into contact with a person or with another item that led to serious electrical shock or other injury.

The moral of the story is to have your home regularly inspected by a Los Angeles electrician for proper safety. For more safety tips or information about unsafe electrical panels, visit The Electric Connection at

Burbank Electrician – AC / DC What’s The Difference?

Almost everything that we use on a daily basis operates on electricity. Every modern convenience that we have become used to relies on this fundamental utility. Without having a constant and reliable supply of this incredible technology, the world as we know it would grind to a screeching halt. In order to provide this powerful utility to our devices, two different forms of electricity have arisen: AC and DC.

AC means alternating current. This is the type of electricity that is used most frequently in devices that require a lot of power to operate. DC means Direct Current. It is most frequently found in devices that do not require a large amount of electricity to operate.

What’s The Difference?

DC was the original form of electricity that was generated by Thomas Edison. This form of electricity will send its current in a single direction only. This forms a direct loop. In most cases, DC current is only used in devices that use batteries. This means that any device that you have in your home that uses batteries operates on a DC system. When we charge these batteries, they transform the AC current from your wall into DC current.

AC power is the most common type of electricity, and is the form that your electrician in Burbank works with most frequently. The way that alternating current has been designed, it can move in both directions at the same time. This means that current will be present at every single point on the grid at any given time. If you use electricity from the power grid, then you plug into AC current every single day.

While you may not always think about it, having this reliable AC current is paramount to our everyday lives. For any further questions, or for help with any electrical issues that you have, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a technician at The Electric Connection. We also have a variety of additional resources available in our website at

Beverly Hills Electrician – The Importance of Surge Protection

Were you aware of the fact that your home electrical equipment is frequently bombarded by very brief spikes in electrical power called power surges? These surges can slowly burn up the inside of your electronic devices, leading to a shorter lifespan than you should normally have. Although the most dangerous type of power surge comes from outside of your home and could destroy your devices in one fell swoop, this type of surge only accounts for about 30% of all power surges. The other 70% of power surges are generated from within your home. These surges are caused by some of your larger appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners.

A large power surge causes very fast, widespread damage. This can cause your wiring to burn up, devices to short circuit and motors to seize. Whenever you think of power surges, this is typically what comes to mind. The majority of power surges, however, remain unnoticed until your device meets an early end. This type of incremental power surge slowly eats away at the components of your electronics until they no longer function.

While it may seem like there is not much that you can do to prevent this, there is. One of the best ways to prevent against both large and incremental power surges is with surge suppression systems. This includes a combination of both local and whole house surge protection. For the largest level of protection, you should have your local electrician in Beverly Hills install a whole house surge protector. You can then protect especially sensitive devices with their own individual surge protectors.

By protecting your home from power surges, you help to ensure that your devices have a long lifespan. This not only keeps everything running as it should, but also saves you money in the long run. If you have any questions about whole house surge suppression, or would like to schedule an appointment for installation, get in touch with any of our technicians at The Electric Connection. You can also learn more from the resources at The Electric Connection website .

Glendale Electrician – Why Copper Wires?

Whether you know it or not, copper wires are the most commonly used type of wires in our home electrical systems. Why is it that your electrician in Glendale and any electrical utility company values the use of this type of wiring over all of the other technologies available? The simplest answer is that copper wiring is just the best solution for the job. Copper wiring is extremely ductile and malleable. Furthermore, it has superior heat and electrical conductivity. Because of these properties combined with the fact that it is robust and rustproof, copper wiring is a nearly perfect material for any electrical wiring. The properties outlined above allow copper wiring to carry our electrical currents over distances that are much longer than wires made up of other materials.

By far, the most desired property of copper wiring is its incredible conductivity. When compared with other non-precious metals, copper comes out on top in regards to conductivity every time. Because of its robustness, it can also carry a larger amount of electricity for the particular diameter of that wire. What this means for an electrician as that copper wiring will experience less loss as the electricity moves through it. To further add to its case, copper wiring has the chemical makeup that make it highly resistant to the harsh environments that many wires must stand up to. It can withstand many different elements, is corrosion resistant and will not rust. For this reason, it is highly prized as an ideal electrical conductor.

Chances are, the walls in your home are filled with copper wires of all different shapes and sizes. Your Glendale electrician took great care to plan out and install a system that was ideal for the needs of your home. Because copper wiring was used, you can be assured that they will last for many years to come, all the while providing you with a high quality electrical current.

If your home has aluminum wiring or any other wiring materials in it, please don’t hesitate to contact The Electric Connection. You can read more about electrical wiring at our company website at

Pasadena Electrician – Home Wiring Inspections

Because of the rich history of home ownership that we have in the United States, the country is still the home to any number of homes that were built before most Americans were even born. Through preservation and careful maintenance, there are even homes that were built in the Victorian Era and prior. Although these homes are often prized for their historical significance, the electrical systems within can be very dangerous if they have not been brought up to date with current standards. Testing electrical outlets for proper operation and flicking light switches on and off is typically not a sufficient level of testing for an electrical system, especially when the electrical system is potentially very old.

Most homes built prior to the 1940s were constructed with knob and tube wiring, that has not been used for many years. Whenever you move into a home, you should not take it for granted that the previous owner took the time and care to have all of the electrical components upgraded to safer, more current technologies. This is one of the reasons why you should have your own electrician in Pasadena come out to do a full home safety inspection.

A full home electrical safety inspection can end up saving you and your family extensive time and money in the long run, especially if it is able to identify any key problems with your current electrical system. During an electrical safety assessment, a technician from The Electric Connection will come out and do a full check on your electrical system. During this time, we will discover whether or not you have any outdated wiring systems, an ungrounded electrical system, or an undersized electrical panel. If we discover any issues, we will put together an action plan to address these issues.

For more information on getting in touch with our team, or to learn more about the potential issues you could be facing, read through the resources at The Electric Connection website at