Pool Safety Tips by Santa Monica Electrician

Before you dive into the pool for the first time this summer, you need to take some steps to ensure it is safe. Whether your pool is in ground or one of the above ground styles, you will likely be using electricity to run your filters, pumps, lights and/or heaters. Everyone knows water and electricity don’t mix. Do what you can to protect yourself by ensuring there are no electrical hazards threatening your lives and the lives of your family members and guests who are hoping to enjoy a fun day at the pool. An electrician in Santa Monica has a few tips for you to follow. If you have more questions or would prefer a safety inspection, give The Electric Connection a call today.

1. Use GFCI outlets to plug in any of your pool equipment. If you don’t have any available, you can purchase portable GFCIs or have your current outdoor outlets replaced with the GFCI by a Santa Monica electrician.
2. Keep all electrical cords and devices at least 10 feet away from the pool to avoid any water splashing on the cord.
3. Never set your pool up under or near power lines.
4. Have any electrical equipment that will be used with the pool professionally installed by an electrician. Santa Monica residents will need to ensure everything, including the pumps, lights and heaters is properly grounded. This is best left to the professionals.
5. Keep outdoor outlets and receptacles properly covered to avoid any water splashing in or on the outlets.
6. Make sure you never pick up any of your electrical devices or handle the cords when your hands are wet or you are in the pool.
7. Have your pool inspected by an electrician before opening every year to make sure there are no potential threats.

If you are itching to jump in the pool, be safe and call The Electric Connection do a quick electrical inspection to ensure everything is safe and ready for you to enjoy your summer swimming.

Troubleshooting Electrical Problems by Burbank Electrician

Techician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.

Every day we deal with little problems around the house that are relatively simple fixes. Squeaky hinges, loose stair boards or maybe a leaking faucet. These are all common problems that are a part of home ownership. Most home owners keep a small tool chest on hand to take care of these things on their own. Quick fixes that can be taken care of with very little money out of pocket. It is kind of exciting to be able to fix something on your own. It can leave you feeling very accomplished. However, there are some perceived small problems, like flickering lights or electrical outlets that aren’t working correctly that should never be taken care on your own. These are big, dangerous problems in disguise. They should only be addressed by a trained electrician in Burbank. The Electric Connection has a group of individuals ready to inspect your home and determine exactly what the cause of your electrical problem is.

This is the key when it comes to diagnosing electrical issues. A Burbank electrician needs to inspect it and find the true problem instead of simply addressing the symptoms. Electrical wiring is no joke. It can be incredibly dangerous if not handled correctly. Even a relatively minor problem can turn into a serious situation. It only takes one spark to bring down your entire home.

If you are experiencing some odd symptoms with your home’s electrical system call an electrician. Burbank homeowners will want to have anything out of the ordinary checked out immediately. A flickering light or outlet that doesn’t work can be a sign of loose or damaged wiring that can create a serious fire hazard. The smell of burning wires is never to be ignored and is typically your first clue to a problem. Give The Electric Connection a call today if you have any electrical concerns.

Total Landscape Lighting with Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_09_5Dark spaces can be trouble for many different reasons. If you are trying to navigate a dark space, like your back yard or the outer areas of your landscaping, you risk suffering an injury because you can’t see. Dark spaces also tend to invite unwanted critters. Animals big and small will appreciate the darkness so they can skulk around without being detected. You also have to worry about people who may vandalize or burglarize your home, outdoor furniture and décor or even your cars under the cloak of darkness. It is a good idea to invest in landscape lighting that completely lights up the entire area. An electrician in Pasadena can make that happen for you. The team at The Electric Connection knows how important it is to keep your home secure and can get you set up with the right lighting.

When you have a Pasadena electrician install landscape lighting, you are not limited by an extension cord. You also don’t have to worry about whether or not a solar light is going to get enough sunlight in particularly shaded areas of the landscaping. With the proper lighting scheme, you can light up every corner of the yard, including under bushy shrubs and full shade trees. You don’t have to leave any area in the dark.

In fact, you can create a lighting scheme that enhances the property and doesn’t give it that sterile look. Add soft lighting or pretty colors to act as an effective security measure, while making the landscaping look gorgeous, even in the dead of night. This kind of job needs to be handled by an electrician. Pasadena residents will love the freedom of putting lights anywhere and the ability to control when they come off and on. Give The Electric Connection a call today and get your landscape lighting installed.

Electric Outlet Warning Signs by Burbank Electrician

electriccon_09_3Outlets are seemingly innocuous parts of any home. They blend right into the walls and we hardly even know they are there. We often hide them with furniture or décor and never give them a second thought until we need to plug something in or unplug a device. It isn’t like we give them daily inspections or even monthly evaluations. Why would we? They do nothing. Or do they? Those outlets are not always as innocent as they may look. Sometimes, they are extremely dangerous and when you hide them, they can get away with a lot and you won’t know until it is too late. An electrician in Burbank wants you to be wary of those outlets and pay attention to any warn signs that indicate something may not be right. The team at The Electric Connection can give you more detailed information if you need it.

Burning wires have a very distinct, acrid smell. If you ever smell something a little off in the home and it seems like it is coming from a wall, you probably have a serious fire hazard explains a Burbank electrician. Plugging in and unplugging cords over and over puts stress on the tiny wires that give the outlet electricity. They can become loose. They touch each other or the insulation and slowly burn. This is how home fires are started. Other obvious signs of trouble are;
*Black streaks up the wall or around the outlet
*Blackness around where things are plugged in
*Outlet doesn’t work or only works at times
*Sizzling or crackling noise coming from the outlet
*An electrical shock when things are plugged in
*The outlet feels hot or the wall around the outlet feels hot

Don’t ignore your outlets says an electrician. Burbank homeowners need to call The Electric Connection right away if they suspect there is any trouble.

5 Ways to Be More Green by Electrician in California

electricon_06_7It feels good to do something good for our neighborhood and the people we spend time with every day, even if it is from a distance. Doing the right thing and helping out in your little corner of the world gives you a sense of belonging, accomplishment and a little pride. You are doing your part to make the world better. You don’t have to be a trailblazer, a celebrity or someone who is given accolades to truly make a difference. An electrician in California has a few tips for you to use that will have a positive impact on the environment. You can leave the world a little greener. Encouraging your friends and family to follow these practices makes your impact that much bigger. At The Electric Connection, we hope to work with you to make things better.

Going green is trendy. It is cool to be green. Check out some of the things you can do in your house to be a little more green.

1-Turn the AC up 2 degrees and the heater down 2 degrees. Use a ceiling fan installed by an electrician to keep the room feeling cool without using nearly as much electricity.

2-Make it a goal to shorten your hot showers by at least 2 minutes everyday.

3-Use a stand to dry your clothes on the patio, deck or even in a room in the house that tends to be warm. An outside clothesline is also an option.

4-Quit leaving your lights, televisions and music players on when you are not using them!

5-Buy a solar charger and use it to charge your cell phone, laptop and tablet. Consider this baby steps to switching to solar power.

Becoming more energy efficient doesn’t necessarily mean you sit in the dark or don’t use hot water. You can still be energy conscientious without really changing the way you do things today. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need a new ceiling fan installed.

It’s the Little Things Explains Burbank Electrician

electricon_06_3Every single day we take about a hundred things for granted. We just assume it will be there and we assume our lives are fairly free from any major risks. We don’t think twice about listening to the satellite radio or playing a video game on the big screen. We run the dishwasher and grab a cold drink out of the fridge. All of these things are dependent on electricity. Not just electricity, but electricity that is coming into the house in a way that doesn’t pose a threat to you or the structure. These little things are extremely important explains an electrician. Burbank residents need to know what to look for and know the signs of trouble. If trouble is spotted, a quick call to The Electric Connection can things fixed right up for you.

Outlets and light switches are far more important to our daily lives than we give them credit for. You probably couldn’t get through a day without touching one or interacting with it in some way. This is why your Burbank electrician wants to make sure it is safe. Some things that indicate trouble are as follows;

  • Hot to the touch
  • Sparking
  • An electrical shock when you plug something in or use an appliance
  • Black marks up the wall around the outlet or switch
  • A crackling noise
  • Smoke or the smell of burning wires
  • Switch or outlet doesn’t work all of the time

Any one of these small warning signs could indicate big trouble. Don’t let the little things sneak up on you says an electrician in Burbank. Be vigilant. Pay attention and never let a seemingly small or innocent problem go unchecked. Give The Electric Connection a call today if you suspect you may have an electrical problem that needs inspection.

Preparing for Power Outages with Beverly Hills Electrician

electriccon_2As the temperatures get cooler, Californians are going to be turning on the heat. Cold nights means a lot more people are going to be relying on their furnaces and space heaters to take the chill off. These things are electricity hogs and can quickly tax the power grid. This combined with poor weather in general can lead to a power outage. The outage may last a couple of hours of be much longer and really wreak havoc on your daily schedule as well as basic duties like making a meal, cleaning the house or taking a hot shower. Your Beverly Hills electrician has some tips to help you prepare for a temporary power outage. The team at The Electric Connection knows how much of an inconvenience living without electricity can be and hopes to help you ride it out in relative comfort.

*Your best option is to have a standby generator installed by an electrician in Beverly Hills. This ensures you always have a back up source of power and never have to go without. The generators are enclosed in a box, which helps reduce noise. You won’t have to worry about your neighbors complaining about the noisy generator.

*Putting together a kit that includes essentials like spare batteries, flashlights, emergency candles, matches and a solar charger for your phone and other gadgets will save you a lot of frustration. The solar chargers are relatively inexpensive and ensure your phone, laptop and tablet will get charged.

*Put together a little box of goodies that you can eat without worrying about heating the food up. Things like crackers, energy bars and a couple cans of beans will give you something to munch on while you wait for the power to be restored. Don’t forget the manual can opener.

Power outages are rarely very long, but even an hour without electricity can throw you off a bit. Avoid dealing with it by talking with an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners who invest in a standby generator will never have to worry about eating cold beans for dinner. Give The Electric Connection a call today to learn more about generators and preparing for power outages.

New Pole Building Needs Los Angeles Electrician

electriccon_1Have you recently had a new shop built on your property? Maybe you are thinking of having a pole building erected to keep your car or other outdoor equipment in it throughout the winter. Did you know that the electrical portion of the building is a separate job altogether in most cases? If you were hoping to have lights, use electrical equipment or plug in your iPod dock, you need to have electricity run to the building. This is typically a job you will have to hire out yourself. Meaning, it is up to you to find the right Los Angeles electrician to complete the job. Customers from around the area have been counting on The Electric Connection to handle their electrical needs and have been very satisfied.

When you are choosing the right electrician in Los Angeles to handle the job, you will want to have a conversation about what is needed for your shop. The size of the building and what kind of equipment you plan on using in the building are going to play a role in what you need. Typically, a separate structure like a shop will require its own electrical box. This is something that will absolutely require the experience and expertise of a certified electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will need to hire a certified professional in order to obtain the proper permits and sign-offs that make the new building legal and up to code.

Your shop or new garage won’t be complete without electricity. Talk with a qualified electrician today to learn more about your options as well as the expected cost. The investment will be well worth it and you will appreciate the flexibility a shop with electricity gives you versus one without it. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your consultation.

Understanding the Cost of Plugging In by Beverly Hills Electrician

electriccon_08_2Have you ever looked around your home and really taken a look at the outlets? Probably not. It isn’t something we spend a lot of time thinking about or focusing on. We need something and we plug it in and it is forgotten. Unfortunately, all that stuff that is plugged in is costing us money whether we are using it or not. It is a little difficult to tell just what it is that is draining the electricity and running up the electric bill. An electrician in Beverly Hills is ready to explain it to you so you can better manage your energy consumption. It is important to realize that everything that is plugged in is pulling electricity, whether it is on or not.

Let’s look at some of the most common appliances in a home and see just what they are costing you. You will be surprised by some explains your Beverly Hills electrician.

*Your television uses about 5 watts plugged in, but not on. That adds up to about .37 a month.

*Your DVD player is using about 4 watts, which costs about .29 per month.

*The microwave when not in use, uses about 3 watts for a total of .22 per month.

*The XBOX, Playstation or Wii is actually only pulling about 1 watt while it is plugged in costing you a grand total of .07 per month.

*A cable TV converter or box is a big one, it is costing you .80 per month by pulling in 11 watts.

These are just a handful of the most common devices in a household. Now, most households have more than one TV, cable box and DVD player says an electrician. Beverly Hills residents that want to save even a couple of dollars on the electric bill can unplug these items when not in use and save a little money. For more information, call The Electric Connection today.

Identifying Potentially Hazardous Electrical Panels with a Glendale Electrician

electriccon_07_4When you bought your home, one of the things you probably didn’t even look at was the electric panel. If the lights work and the appliances in the home work, there doesn’t really seem to be any point in looking at the panel. Plus, how would you know what you were looking at? If you have recently purchased your home or live in a home that is older than 20 years, you may want to take a peek at your electric panel to determine what brand you have. There are a few brands you do not want in your home because they have been proven to be hazardous. An electrician in Glendale can inspect the panel for you to tell you what you are dealing with and your options. The team at The Electric Connection has a trained staff of electricians that will tell you everything you need to know.

Pushmatic or Bulldog

These systems are older and replacement parts are no longer being produced. This is a problem in itself. Another issue is the panels require regular maintenance. If they are not regularly maintained, the breakers become difficult to use.


This was a popular brand several decades ago, but it has since been discovered the breakers in the panels were just not enough to handle today’s high electric demands. A Glendale electrician can take a look and see if this is what you have. The breakers do not regulate the electricity flowing and can result in burnt wires, which is a fire hazard.

Federal Pacific

This was a brand that was very popular in the 1950s and was used throughout the 1990s. The breakers do not trip when they are supposed to, which is a serious fire hazard.

If you see one of these names on your electric panel, call your electrician. Glendale homeowners may have nothing to worry about, but it is always best to explore your options and know just what it is you are dealing with. Call The Electric Connection today and schedule your electric panel inspection.