Small Electrical Problems Can be Dangerous Explains Santa Monica Electrician

Sometimes, it seems easier and faster to try and fix what you assume to be a small electrical problem yourself. Maybe you have a light that is flickering or an outlet that sporadically works. You may think that a few loose wires directly behind the outlet or light socket are causing the problem. What if you are wrong? What if the problem is much bigger and by trying to fix what you assume to be a few loose wires, you end up hurting yourself and making the problem worse? It is always best to leave these situations to a Santa Monica electrician. You can rely on The Electric Connection to provide you with prompt and experienced electricians who can take care of even the smallest problems the right way.

While a loose wire behind an outlet or a light fixture can cause some things like flickering lights or intermittently working outlets, the problem may extend to the wiring hidden in the walls. It may even be the breaker that is causing the problem. You wouldn’t be able to tell by simply looking. You will need the expertise of an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners obviously want to make sure their home is safe and not at risk of an electrical fire.

When you hire an electrician to check out what you perceive to be a tiny problem, you are getting peace of mind that any larger problems will also be identified and addressed. It is crucial that a problem be taken care of the right way. If you fix those loose wires you thought were the problem, you could end up exacerbating the situation and cause an electric fire or even electrocute yourself in the process. The process of finding the problem can be a little time consuming, but it is always better to be sure and safe than to guess and put your home at risk.

House Checkups by Burbank Electrician Can Prevent Fires

Have you considered the thought your house may be in need of a checkup? We visit doctors to make sure we are in good health even if we don’t have any major symptoms. Your house should be afforded the same privilege to make sure it is in good health and does not pose any safety hazards to you and your family. There are things that could be lurking behind the walls that we would never suspect. Electrical problems are often a hidden danger that many homeowners are not aware of until it is too late. A Burbank electrician, like those at The Electric Connection, can give your home a checkup and look for any underlying problems. Taking care of problems before they become serious is always the best prevention of home fires.

An electric safety inspection is one way for an electrician to check out the wiring in the home. If the home is older, the wiring will be evaluated to determine whether or not it is safe or if it needs an upgrade. This is typically only something that is needed if the home is more than 50 years old. Along with the condition of the wiring, the electric panel will also be inspected by the electrician. Burbank homeowners may need to have a breaker replaced or added depending on the needs of people living in the home.

Another facet of an electric safety inspection is to check out the outlets in the home. Any outlets that are not working or have black streaks around the outer casing typically need to be replaced. Loose wires to the outlet can cause an electrical fire and should be taken care of as soon as possible. If you would like to give your home a checkup, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment.

Electric Safety a Priority Says Los Angeles Electrician

You probably never really think twice about using your toaster or running the vacuum. That is because we are so used to electricity we rarely give it a thought when we use our favorite gadgets and gizmos. However, electricity can still be dangerous. We need to take precautions and teach our children about how to be safe in a world surrounded by electricity. A Los Angeles electrician has some tips for staying safe. You can call The Electric Connection to find out more about staying safe in this electrical world.

One thing you can do to keep your children safe as well as your home is to keep cords out of travel paths. Cords that are stepped on repeatedly will break down over time. This can result in bare wires, which can lead to an electrical spark and even a fire. Not to mention, cords that are strung about also create tripping hazards.

Any cord that looks like it has suffered some abuse or been chewed by animals should never be plugged in. Have the item repaired with a new cord by a certified electrician, or throw the appliance out. It is too risky to try and use.

We all know the dangers of using electricity around water. However, places like the kitchen and bathroom need electricity and water. Accidents happen, but you can add a layer of protection against electrocution by having GFI outlets installed by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will feel safer knowing a GFI outlet automatically cuts power to an appliance as soon as the electric current is interrupted. This keeps the electricity from flowing into your body.

These are just a few things you can do with the help of your electrician to keep yourself and your family a little safer. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment to have GFI outlets installed in your home.

Smoke Detectors Hard-Wired into Your Santa Monica Electrical

Have you thought about what more you could do to keep your family safe at home? Maybe you already have a security system and you lock your doors and windows every night, but what about dangers within the home? Sometimes, accidents just happen and there is really nothing you can do to prevent them. Home fires can happen in new homes or old homes. While wiring inspections can typically identify some problems and prevent an electrical fire, there are plenty of other things that can go wrong that can cause a fire. Your best way to keep your family safe against these kinds of accidents is by being prepared with working smoke detectors. Your electrician in Santa Monica can help you add a layer of protection in your home. You can talk with one of the team at The Electric Connection to learn more or read on.

There are two different types of smoke detectors. You are probably most familiar with the cheap battery-powered detectors that can be placed anywhere you like in the house. The other option is detectors that are hard-wired into your home’s main Santa Monica electrical. These detectors do have battery backups in case of a power outage. The biggest, and probably the best difference between the two is the reliability of the hard-wired detectors. That and the hard-wired detectors are all interconnected. Meaning, when one alarm is sounded, each detector in the house will go off alerting the occupants to the fire.

This can add minutes to a family’s escape time, which is extremely valuable in a home fire. The extra minutes can also mean the difference between saving the home or losing it to the fire. The additional minutes will give the homeowner the chance to call emergency services before the fire is out of control and if it is small enough, be able to use an extinguisher to put it out before it spreads. Call The Electric Connection today and schedule your hard-wired smoke detector installation.

Beneficial Electric Panel Upgrade by Electrician in Pasadena

Whether your home is old or new, there are probably some things you would like to change about it. While the layout and existing construction is often the first thing you think of, wouldn’t it be nice to make your work for you a bit more? If you have been dealing with a breaker that trips frequently or have to turn off everything in order to use a certain tool or appliance that is a bit of an energy hog, you could probably benefit from an electric panel upgrade. An electrician in Pasadena, like those at The Electric Connection, can help bring your home up to your electrical standards.

If your home is older (more than 50 years) it wouldn’t hurt to have an electrical inspection. During the inspection, the condition of your wiring will be evaluated to determine if your electrical problems may be due to faulty or deteriorating wires. You have to imagine 50 years ago, the average home had a handful of items that needed electricity. Today, almost every outlet in the house is in use with various computer cords, cell phone chargers and a long list of gadgets that make our lives easier.

Because of this, your Pasadena electrical needs are a little different and an electric panel upgrade will support all the gadgets you need and want without having to share outlets or unplug everything so you can use one appliance. In some cases, the panel itself may be just fine and you will just need an additional breaker installed. All of this can be determined after the electrician does the inspection and talks with you about what your needs are. From there, you can make a decision about what will work best for you. When you are ready or if you would like to learn more about an electric panel upgrade, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Choosing a Commercial Electrician in Glendale

If you own or manage a business, you have probably noticed the equipment in the business is a little different than you would find in an average home. There is probably a lot more as well and things are much more sensitive. Because of this, you need an electrician in Glendale who can deal with commercial electrical problems. At The Electric Connection, you will find the right electrician for your business needs. Wiring schematics tend to be different for larger pieces of equipment and there is a learning curve involved. You don’t want to hire somebody who is still learning. You need somebody who can get your electrical problem taken care of right, the first time.

Along with hiring an electrician who is capable of working on more sophisticated equipment, businesses need a company that is reliable and will keep in line with a certain image. Often times, the electrician will be seen by customers. It wouldn’t do to have customers unsure of who the individual was or mistaking the electrician for an employee and causing a moment of awkwardness. You need a person who looks professional and is in a uniform that clearly identifies his or her position.

A few other important traits when it comes to hiring somebody to complete your commercial Glendale electrical work is the ability to be on time, reliable and to maintain a professional air while they are inside the business. They should be courteous to the customers as well as the employees. Because time really is money, it is imperative the electrician you hire shows up when scheduled and complete the work within a certain timeframe. If circumstances change and the electrician needs more time, communication is key to keeping the business running smoothly. If you need a commercial electrician who meets these criteria, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Plan Your New Home Construction with Electrician in Burbank

Building a home from the ground up is an exciting adventure that you will hopefully cherish in the years to come as you live in your new house. Although you may assume the only input you have is in the actual design, the color of the carpet and the kind of cupboards and countertops that will be installed, you actually a little more say in the process. You will need an electrician in Burbank. You have the option of hiring an electrician you are comfortable with. Part of your new home construction includes having an input in the placement of outlets and data lines. At The Electric Connection, you will find a team willing to work with your wants and needs.

Only you know what kind of appliances you have and regularly use in the kitchen. If you have are a regular in the kitchen and you have a lot of appliances that you use on a regular basis, it is nice to have them ready to go when you need them. Talk with your electrician about your Burbank electrical needs. It is possible to install additional outlets during the construction process.

If one of the rooms will be a den or home office, you will need additional outlets and data lines. It is a lot easier to do it during the construction process rather than trying to drill holes and run cable after the house is complete. After you have the plans for your home, take some time to envision the setup for each room. Will you have a large entertainment system along one wall that will require several outlets to run? What kind of computer equipment will you be using? Knowing all of this ahead of time will help your electrician determine the size of electrical panel you will need which can save you money down the road when it turns out you need more than originally planned. Give The Electric Connection a call today to discuss your new home construction project.

3 Tips to Save Money on Heating Costs Provided by Pasadena Electrician

After going so long without using the heater, it can cause quite a bit of a surprise when you get that first electric bill this winter. There are some things you can do to lessen the burden of winter heating bills. Your Pasadena electrician has some tips you can use to keep the electric bill at a manageable rate. For more tips and advice, you can call The Electric Connection.

1-One of the most important issues that many people tend to overlook with their furnace is the upkeep and maintenance. It is crucial your furnace is in good working order. Clean filters and ducts will ensure your furnace is not working overtime to try and keep the house warm.

2-Use a ceiling fan to help keep the warm air in the living space instead of close to the ceiling. Hot air rises and without a fan to push it down, you are wasting a lot of money heating the ceiling. If you don’t have one, you can call an electrician. Pasadena residents will feel the difference a ceiling fan can make when the warm air circulates the room rather than hovering near the top.

3-Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the heat in your home throughout the day. Set if for one temperature, 72 degrees is typically adequate for the home. Do not go above 76. At night, you can get away with lowering the thermostat a couple of degrees because you will be under blankets. Set the thermostat to about 68 degrees when you are going to be gone for the day. Avoid turning the thermostat up and down throughout the day. These three things can save you a great deal of money this winter.

You won’t be forced to freeze in your own home because you are trying to save a few dollars if you follow these tips. For more information, give The Electric Connection a call.

Traits of a Good Beverly Hills Electrician

There are plenty of electricians listed in the phone book along with a handful of companies who take out large ads boasting about their expertise. It seems like a fairly straightforward task to open the book and pick out the electrician or the company that jumps out at you. However, you will want to choose a little more wisely than that. What should you look for when choosing a Beverly Hills electrician? At The Electric Connection, you will find electricians who meet the following traits.


You absolutely need an electrician who is reliable and will get the job done within a decent amount of time. You want to be able to call a company who can meet your needs by providing you with electricians who are reliable and will show up as promised.

Licensed, Bonded and Insured

Only hire an electrician who is licensed, bonded and insured. Failure to do so could end up costing you a great deal of money. All contractors who have access to your home should meet these qualifications. This will allow you to check the license number of a particular electrician to ensure he or she has a good track record. If something does go wrong, whether the electrician is somehow injured or if something is damaged in the home, insurance will take care of the problem.


It is always a good idea to check out the reputation of a company and an electrician. Beverly Hills residents can check with the Better Business Bureau as well as their friends and neighbors who may have had any work done. Ask your friends to recommend an electrician.

You can always count on The Electric Connection to meet all of these qualities as well as several others like providing prompt service and giving accurate quotes about a job. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment to take care of any of your electrical needs.

CFLs Explained by Electrician in Santa Monica

You may have heard a little noise a while back about incandescent light bulbs being phased out. As this phase out happens, you are finding fewer bulbs that come in the 4-pack and typically cost no more than a dollar or so. In their place are those swirled bulbs that cost a few dollars for a single bulb. You are probably a little frustrated and wondering what is going on. Your electrician in Santa Monica is here to explain to you why those cheap bulbs are not going to be available for much longer. If you want more information about this matter, give The Electric Connection a call.

Those swirl bulbs are referred to as CFLs. The technical term is compact florescent light bulbs. They emit the same amount of light and use about a quarter of the electricity of the incandescent bulbs. That means money saved on your electric bill. And although the CFLs cost more up front, they last 10 times longer than the incandescent bulbs.

You may discover some of your lamps or light fixtures do not accommodate the CFLs. While this is an issue, it is actually worth the money to invest in a new fixture that is more energy efficient. You will need to hire an electrician to take care of your Santa Monica electrical upgrades. Yes, there are some initial costs, but you will be saving money on your electric bill every month. It is estimated that about $20 out of every $100 electric bill is because of lights. By using CFLs and energy efficient fixtures, you could potentially save anywhere from $15 to $45 every month depending on your regular electric bill. If you would like to schedule your lighting fixture upgrade give The Electric Connection a call today and start saving money on your electric bill.