Discover the Ways a Beverly Hills Electrician Can Make Your Home Safer

ec_2Your home is likely one of the biggest investments you have. The people that live in your home are extremely important to you and you probably have plenty of monetarily valuable items in your home. It makes sense you would want to protect your home and the people who live in it. There are a few things you can do to make your home a little safer. With the help of a Beverly Hills electrician, you can rest easy knowing you have taken care of the little things that have been known to cause major accidents.

Updating the Outlets

With technology and electrical science constantly improving and evolving, we have been given something knows as the GFI outlet. The ground fault interruption outlet can prevent electric shock when installed by an electrician in Beverly Hills. These outlets are perfect for placing in the kitchen and bath areas where water is typically used. Should an electrical appliance come in contact with the water, the circuit is shut off in order to prevent the person using the appliance from being shocked.

Hard-Wired Smoke Detectors

You can add seconds or possibly minutes to your family’s notification of a fire in the home with hard-wired smoke detectors. When a single detector is set off, all the alarms in the house will sound, even if they are clear at the other end of the hallway or upstairs. These alarms are hard-wired into the home’s main electric and will need to be installed by an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will appreciate knowing the install has been completed by a professional.

Security Lights

Having a light shining on the driveway and a clear path to the front door will make you feel better when you or a family member comes home after dark. Being able to see your surroundings adds peace of mind while repelling predators.

Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment to make your home a little safer.

Updating Landscape Lighting with Santa Monica Electrician

blog_electricianIt is that time of year again! Spring is here and the flowers are starting to bloom as well as the trees. You are probably already dusting off your lawn furniture and getting ready for another season of mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. Don’t forget to take a look at your landscape lighting as well. There are probably some lights that need replacing or maybe you are considering adding more lights or replacing your solar lights with electric lights. No matter what the case is, you will want to hire an electrician in Santa Monica to get the job done right. The team at The Electric Connection is ready to help you get your landscape lighting in tip top condition so you can be proud of your yard this summer.

Landscape lighting has come a long way in the last decade. There are so many different kinds of lights to choose from you are sure to find something that fits your personality and style. You don’t have to stick with the typical lantern-style lighting lining your walkway. Go bold and add a little flair to your landscaping by choosing lights that are a little different from the norm, but still just as effective. Once you have chosen your style of lights, call your Santa Monica electrician. You will want to make sure the lights are installed properly and will work throughout the season. Electric lights tend to be more reliable than their solar counterparts. They can also be placed in shady places under shrubs and on the shady side of the house.

Because there are some electrical wires associated with electric landscape lights, it is best to have the job completed by a professional electrician. Santa Monica homeowners will feel better knowing it was done right and their home’s safety has not been compromised by incorrect wiring. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your landscape lighting install or upgrade.

Hiding Home Entertainment Wiring with Pasadena Electrician

blog_electricianWith flat screen televisions the new norm in home entertainment systems, those large, wooden entertainment centers are being phased out. Now, it is much easier to simply hang the television on the wall and free up quite a bit of space in the living area. Unfortunately, those entertainment centers provided a nice camouflage for all of the wires that go along with your media equipment. Your Pasadena electrician has a few tips to help you make it all look a little cleaner and less disorganized. If you need help installing or organizing your electrical cords, you can always call The Electric Connection.

Cord Organizers

Your first step is to tidy up the cords that have a lot of length left. These can turn into a tangled mess on the floor that can ultimately become a hazard. Kids and pets will love the cords and could electrocute themselves or yank the television down. Consider using cord organizers, which are small plastic cases that keep cords wound up and out of sight, or use cable ties to keep the extra length in check.

Hide the Cords

Hide the cords under the equipment, behind the shelf or stand the equipment is on or if using a flat screen, behind the television. You can also find nifty covers that run the length of the wall. The covers hide the cords and can be painted to match your existing wall.

More Outlets

Many older homes have outlets that are close to the floor. Consider having an electrician in Pasadena install an outlet higher up on the wall for you to plug your flat screen into. This will keep you from running the cord down the wall.

In a Closet

Consider hiding your electrical wires and cords in a closet or pantry. This will need to be taken care of by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can successfully put all of their necessary equipment in this small space, keeping the room clean and tidy. Give The Electric Connection a call today to take care of your home entertainment needs.

Thunderstorm Safety by Electrician in Burbank

Spring brings plenty of wild storms to the area and hopefully with those thunderstorms, there will be lots of rain. When the dark clouds form, you can prepare for thunder and lightning and the possibility of a power outage. During a thunderstorm, there are some things you need to do to stay safe. Although lightning striking a person is rare, it does happen more often than you would think. Lightning can also come through phone and data lines into your house. An electrician in Burbank has some tips for you when it comes to staying safe in the next thunderstorm. You can always call The Electric Connection if you have any more questions.blog_electrician

If you are at home, take the following steps.

*Unplug any electrical appliances you won’t need
*Disconnect the computer from the DSL line if you have one
*Shut down and unplug computers, cell phones and laptops
*Close the blinds or curtains to prevent being cut from flying glass should a window shatter
*Do not take a shower or bath during a thunderstorm

You can have a whole home surge protector installed by a Burbank electrician to prevent the need to unplug appliances. The surge protector will prevent power surges from damaging appliances.

If you are outside, seek shelter if possible. Sitting in a car is safer than standing in the open. If you are in a boat or at the lake, get away from the water. Do not take shelter in anything that could be damaged by high winds. Do not go back outside for at least 30 minutes after you hear the last boom of thunder.

Teach the entire family what to do should a thunderstorm roll in and you are not home. Consider having a surge protector or back up generator installed by an electrician. Burbank residents can count on the team at The Electric Connection to answer any questions and complete a professional installation.

Understanding Light Bulbs with Los Angeles Electrician

blog_electricianIf you have ever went to the store to buy new light bulbs for the home or garage, you have probably been a little surprised to see an entire aisle filled with a variety of bulbs. It can be a little overwhelming. What kind do you need? Are your current light bulbs adequate or should you be using something else? When you start to read packages and look at various price points, it can all become a little confusing. The cheaper the better seems like a good plan, right? Wrong. You need to understand the differences in light bulbs and what they mean to you and your home. An electrician in Los Angeles, like those at The Electric Connection, will explain.

Incandescent Bulbs

These are the old bulbs we all became used to. You could by a pack of 4 bulbs for around a dollar. Unfortunately, they were simply not energy efficient explains an electrician. Los Angeles residents may be surprised to learn those bulbs would only last about 2 years if you used the bulbs only 3 hours a day. Most of the energy the bulbs used produced heat, which ends up being a fire hazard. These are the bulbs that have been phased out. Yes, you can still buy the smaller incandescent bulbs for your fridge and certain lamps, but they are no longer mass produced.

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)

These are the bulbs that have replaced the incandescents. They have that swirl shape that makes them difficult to put into some light fixtures and they do take a few seconds to heat up to their full power. The lights are extremely energy efficient and use 75 percent less electricity than the incandescent bulbs. You can save a great deal of money on your electric bill by switching to these bulbs. They also last about 5 times longer. If you have a light fixture that will not accommodate, consider having it upgraded by a Los Angeles electrician. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting upgrade.

3 Ways to Make Your Fridge Cost Less by Pasadena Electrician

blog_fridgeIt is always nice to have a little extra change in your pocket. Sometimes, when the cost to buy gas or groceries always seems to be going up, it can be tough to find that change. You could start cutting down on your electric bill by following these handy tips from your Pasadena electrician. Every extra dollar helps and by making your refrigerator a little more energy efficient, you will be doing something good for your checking account and the environment. The team at The Electric Connection wants to help you and is ready to answer any questions you may have.

1-Do what you can to keep your refrigerator as full as possible. Don’t be so quick to toss out the little bit of milk in the jug to clear out some space. Space takes more electricity to cool. A full fridge will maintain its temperature better than an empty fridge.

2-Avoid putting the toaster microwave, coffee pot and if at all possible, the oven next to the fridge. You want to limit the heat near your fridge. If you are heating it up from the outside, it will make the fridge work that much harder to keep cold. If you need to move your fridge, considering hiring an electrician. Pasadena residents who want to renovate their kitchen to keep the fridge away from the hot appliances will need an additional outlet.

3-Make sure there is a couple inches between the wall and the back of your fridge. Keep the coils dusted. Lint, cobwebs and dust will clog up the filters on the refrigerator and make it have to run more often and work harder to function properly. Keep it regularly maintained and you will extend the life of the appliance and reduce your electricity usage.

Give The Electric Connection a call today if you need a new outlet for your fridge.

Updating Home Security with Glendale Electrician

blog_securityYour home is your safe haven and your castle. It likely contains treasures you would rather not lose as well as the precious lives of your family members. There are a few things you can do to add a layer of safety to your home. Your Glendale electrician has some ideas for preventative measures you can take to protect your home. The team at The Electric Connection is ready to help you implement these options.

1-Install security lights that include motion sensors. When motion is detected, the lights will turn on and flood the area with light. Light often deters would-be burglars. It can also scare away animals that may be a nuisance. The lights and motion sensors are ideal to have in your driveway and front walkway as well so you won’t have to worry about walking to the door in the darkness.

2-Installing camera for surveillance can help give you peace of mind when you are not home. Many surveillance systems can be viewed via an app on your smartphone. The cameras will need to wired into your home’s electrical panel, which will require an electrician. Glendale homeowners will be able to check in on the kids and the family pets from anywhere.

3-Landscape lighting or bright spotlights is an excellent idea for any yard. You want a well-lit yard for safety as well as a security measure. If you happen to be out and about when the sun is down, you don’t want to trip over stray toys left outside or veer off a path. Electric landscape lights are ideal and can be set on a timer to come on when dusk falls and to turn off when the sun starts to appear on the horizon.

Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule the installation of your home security measures.

Understanding Electrical Hazards with Burbank Electrician

blog_electricalsafetyElectricity is a valuable part of our world today. We use it for just about everything. Without electricity, we would struggle to get through a single day. With that said, electricity can be extremely dangerous, deadly even. There are some electrical hazards you need to be aware of, teach your children and keep top of mind as you go through your daily routines. Becoming complacent around electricity can be extremely hazardous. Your Burbank electrician has some tips to understanding electrical hazards and how to avoid them. You can count on the crew at The Electric Connection to keep you informed about electricity and the potential hazards it poses.

1-Extension cords are not meant to be long-term solutions. They are simply meant for temporary fixes while you use a particular appliance. Extension cords are the cause of over 300,000 fires every year due to improper use. If you need an additional outlet, whether it is in the house or outside, call an electrician. Burbank homeowners don’t have to put their homes at risk by using extension cords as permanent fixes.

2-Pets and young kids and electricity never mix. Do what you can to keep children away from outlets and pets away from cords. You can buy cord protectors to keep pets from chewing on the lamp cord and outlet protectors to keep children from putting things into the outlets. These are quick, inexpensive fixes that can save lives.

3-Water is probably one of the most obvious dangers when electricity is around. You can protect yourself by having GFCI installed in kitchen and bathroom areas where water is most likely to be introduced to an electrical current. This is a simple fix that can be taken care of by your electrician.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to take care of any electrical hazards in your home.

Outdoor Lighting Repairs with Los Angeles Electrician

lightingAre you looking forward to backyard barbecues and evenings outside on the patio this spring? Although southern California doesn’t have to worry about some of the issues that winter normally causes the rest of the country, this winter did bring a pounding of rain that likely affected your outdoor equipment. Your landscape lighting may not have fared so well and before you can really enjoy those warm spring and ultimately summer evenings in the backyard, you need to have your lighting fixed. This is something you can have a Los Angeles electrician do for you. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you get your yard and the landscaping back in shape for another beautiful spring season.

Overtime, the wiring in the electric lights erodes and you may notice some lights are not working or they flicker. This is something you will want to have taken care of before the entire string of lights shorts out. Depending on the problem, it may be able to be repaired by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can opt to have newer, more energy-efficient lights installed in their landscaping or stick with the older ones and just have them repaired. Updating the outside lights is like giving your landscaping a facelift. You can add more dramatic lights to showcase a blooming flower garden or highlight a new water feature.

If you have been considering getting new landscape lights or want to expand the scope of your existing lights by adding new ones or possibly brighter ones, now is the time to do it. Spring will be here before you know it and the hustle and bustle of the summer will quickly follow. Get your outdoor lighting taken care of today so you are ready for that first barbecue. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting appointment.

5 Questions for an Electrician in Santa Monica

Copy-of-bigstockphoto_Electrician__Breaker_Panel_2009684If you have determined you need an electrician, you are probably wondering how to best find the right electrician for you and your needs. It can be tough to find an electrician in Santa Monica you can trust to get the job done right without overcharging you or doing work that is substandard. You can always count on the crew at The Electric Connection to provide you with excellent service every time. The following tips will help you find the perfect electrician for your needs. Yes, you do have the right to “interview” potential candidates.

Do not waste your time or money by hiring an electrician who is unlicensed. Ask for the license number if it is not readily available on their business card.

Ask if the electrician is insured and for how much. If the electrician isn’t insured for at least $500k, it is best to look elsewhere. Although this may seem like a lot of money, it doesn’t take much to burn through that much money if there is major damage or injury caused by faulty wiring.

Ask to see references or ask for numbers of clients who have used the electrician’s services in the past. Do your due diligence and make the phone calls. You can also check Angie’s List and online for reviews.

Ask the potential electrician how they go about the job. Will they give you updates about the status of a job? Will they contact you about unforeseen expenses that might pop up before making the decision to tack the extra money on to your bill? Communication is crucial when you are dealing with any contractor.

Ask if there will be a detailed estimate of the job. You need to know just what kind of Santa Monica electrical work you are paying for. An estimate will help you budget and compare prices to other electricians.

If you need a reliable and reputable electrician, give The Electric Connection a call.