Transform Your Home with an Electrician’s Help

Do you know one of the quickest ways to transform a room? Changing the lighting is one way to give a room an entirely new look without having to change the furniture or paint the walls. Of course, doing those two things will create a very dramatic effect. An electrician can help you achieve a new look in a single day. It is that simple. All you need to do is call The Electric Connection.

Creating a whole new look by changing out a single light fixture is actually a lot of fun. Head to your favorite home improvement store and spend some time browsing the lighting section. Looking online at different lighting techniques will also help give you some ideas of what you may like. When you are thinking about a lighting change with the help of a qualified electrician, consider these things;

What is the primary activity in the room; reading, watching television, entertaining, eating, cooking?
Is there artwork that you want to highlight?
Is there plenty of natural light?
How high is the ceiling? Would a hanging light be in the way?
Do you want the light to be a focal point or statement piece?

Talk with your electrician about what you are looking for in a new lighting scheme. Your electrical contractor can give you some valuable advice about what will work best and what should be avoided. Lighting has come a long way in the last 20 years. You are not longer relegated to the standard fixture in the middle of the room. There is recessed lighting, track lighting, brilliant chandeliers and a variety of unique fixtures. Along with the different styles of fixtures, you also have the option to switch to the energy-saving LEDs, which your electrician can explain in more detail. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting transformation.

Are Sparking Outlets Dangerous? Santa Monica Electrician Explains

electriccon_08_6Have you ever plugged something into an outlet and sparks fly—literally? Little sparks or a lot of sparks accompanied by a popping sound can be scary and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are minor sparks and major sparks. An electrician in Santa Monica will explain why outlets spark and what it means for you and your safety. If you have any more questions, you can call The Electric Connection.

A blue arc that occurs when you first plug in an appliance, is not generally cause for concern. You are seeing that blue arc because the appliance is immediately drawing electricity from the outlet. The electricity that is flowing through the wires behind your walls and to the outlet is moving pretty quick. When you make that connection between appliance or lamp and outlet, it is kind of like static electricity explains a Santa Monica electrician.

Now, a spark that happens while an appliance is plugged in is a serious concern. This means there is a break in the connection somewhere along the line. It may be the cord to the appliance or it could be the wires to the outlet. Bare wires that come into contact with each other or touch anything else can spark, causing a fire. This is an issue that should be repaired immediately by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners should shut off the breaker to the outlet that is sparking and call for service.

Another cause for sparking could be water. If an appliance comes into contact with water, the water interrupts the flow of electricity and creates a spark. This is obviously very dangerous. Water and electricity do not mix—ever. Consider having GFCI outlets installed in areas where water and electricity are in close vicinity to each other, like the bathroom or kitchen. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your outlet repair.

Electrical Inspections Explained by Glendale Electrician

electriccon_08_4If you have recently purchased a home or are in the home-buying process, you know there are a series of inspections that are required or recommended. One of those inspections may be an electrical inspection by a certified electrician in Glendale. The inspection is designed to give you an inside peek at what lies behind the walls of a home. If you have lived in your home for some time and have never had an electrical inspection, it may be a good idea to have one done. The team at The Electric Connection can help you get that scheduled.

If you have never seen an electrical inspection or are unsure as to what they encompass, this information will help you understand a bit more.

A Glendale electrician will inspect the electric panel, the breakers and look at the wiring that is visible in the panel. The electrician may also remove a light switch cover plate and have a look to see what the wiring looks like. If you have any exposed wiring in the attic or basement, make sure you point it out for the electrician. Glendale homeowners who have exposed wiring will want to have it taken care.

Once the inspection is complete, the electrician will write up a report about the findings. If there are things that are hazardous, they will be outlined and explained. Electric hazards should be resolved as soon as possible. Your electrician will also note things that are not necessarily hazardous yet, but should be taken care of at your earliest convenience. Any code violations will be pointed out. In some cases, failure to have a house brought up to code leaves you vulnerable should there be a fire or injury caused by wiring that is not up to code.

Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical inspection whether you are buying, selling or plan on staying in your house for years to come.

Quick and Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill by Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_08_5Your electric bill may not be a problem for you, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a few more dollars in your pocket every month? Imagine if you could save even ten dollars every month. You could set it aside and put towards a fund to buy something that you have been wanting or buy an extra latte. No, it isn’t a lot, but you never know when a little extra cash will come in handy. And, it isn’t just ten bucks. It could end up being much more if you follow these tips presented by your Pasadena electrician. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you find out how you can save.

*Your biggest energy hog is going to be your air conditioner or furnace in the winter. You don’t have to cook or freeze, but you can turn it up a bit in the summer and down a bit in the winter. Throw on a comfy sweater during the winter so you can keep your furnace setting lower. In the summer, keep the blinds closed and run a ceiling fan to help stay cool without cranking the AC up.

*Lighting is the second biggest use of electricity in your home explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can slash their electric bill by turning off lights when not in use. Switching to LEDs is another quick and easy way to save some cash.

*Turning down your water heater a few degrees will also save you a great deal of money. If you are not sure how to do this, call an electrician in Pasadena to take care of it for you. Most people are heating water to a temperature they can’t actually use and end up turning on the cold water to cool it down.

These three quick ways can save you money every month. You will see the savings on your next electric bill. Give The Electric Connection a call if you have any questions or need help taking care of any electrical issues.

Is Outdoor Recessed Lighting a Good Idea? Pasadena Electrician Answers

electriccon_07_5With the latest trend of installing recessed lighting in the interior of a home, many homeowners are wondering if the lights are a good option for outside as well. Recessed lighting offers many benefits and it just makes sense to take advantage of the latest and greatest lighting systems on the inside and outside of your home. The fixtures can be installed by an experienced electrician in Pasadena in a single day typically. That means you will be enjoying your new outdoor lighting that evening! You can call The Electric Connection to find out how soon you can schedule your lighting installation.

Check out some of the benefits to having recessed lighting installed on the outside of your home by a Pasadena electrician.

They don’t take up any room
They can light up dark spaces along stairways and under roofs
LEDs make it possible to place the lights almost anywhere
Lights are flush and do not hang down, interfering with plants or at risk of being broken

Hiring an Electrician

Although the lights are fairly simple to install, it is best to have the installation completed by a professional electrician. Pasadena homeowners won’t have to worry about ensuring the lights are properly insulated from the elements. There is also an issue of the light touching insulation. There will need to be a hole cut into the home to install the light and it is important it does not create a fire hazard by touching wires or insulation.

There are several styles of lights to choose from. You will want to choose one that is right for your needs. Recessed lights with reflective trims tend to be brighter and are a great option for areas that are particularly dark. Check out your home improvement store to get an idea of what you want and then give The Electric Connection a call and schedule your installation.

Bathroom Lighting Ideas by Electrician in Burbank

electriccon_07_3A problem so many people deal with and assume there is no real solution to is bathroom lighting needs in the dead of night. Turning on the light to take care of business can be too much. It is too bright and ends up blinding you before waking you completely up and making it next to impossible for you to fall back to sleep. You may feel like you are forced to choose between complete darkness or too much light, but an electrician in Burbank has another option. The reliable team at The Electric Connection wants to help you take care of your bathroom lighting woes.

Under the Cabinet Lighting

You can add some light to the bathroom without making it completely by blinding by placing it low to the ground. A rope light placed under the lip of the bathroom counter near the floor adds just the right amount of light in an area where you really need it. This is a quick and easy job for an electrician. Burbank homeowners will appreciate the effect the soft lighting gives the room as well as its usefulness.

Outlet Nightlights

These are very handy and shed just the right amount of light over the sink area. The lights are attached inside the outlet cover and do not require the services of a Burbank electrician. The lights work on a sensor and will automatically turn on when it is dark.

Lighted Toilet Seats

These may not be quite as practical, but they are certainly very neat looking. It isn’t the actual seat that lights up, but the hinge of the toilet seat. The soft glow of light illuminates the bowl and gives a person a little direction.

If you would like an electrician to take care of these small bathroom lighting jobs, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment.

Importance of Outdoor Outlets by Beverly Hills Electrician

electriccon_07_2The summer time is great for hanging out outside with friends and family. Backyard barbecues, pool parties and chatting into the wee hours of the night are all a part of making memories. Your memories likely include some electricity. Yes, it seems strange and completely off base, but electricity can make your backyard summer days a little more comfortable and convenient. Maybe you need to plug in your docking station or maybe you need to charge your phone or laptop. You don’t want to be cooped up inside or leave your phone behind. You need an outdoor outlet or two. An electrician in Beverly Hills is here to explain the importance of having outdoor outlets places around your yard and patio area. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any more questions you may have about the convenience.

Homes are required to have at least one outdoor outlet in the front of the house and another in the back. This is really not enough to keep up with today’s technological world. If you have electric weed eaters or hedge trimmers, you will be forced to use several extension cords to reach the far corners of the yard. This can be dangerous as well as frustrating. A Beverly Hills electrician can make your landscaping duties a little easier and safer by installing a few more outdoor outlets to cut down on your need for so many extension cords.

Outdoor outlets also make it much easier to light up your yard for the holidays. Overloading a circuit is a common issue when you try and connect several strands of lights or decorative yard items on one outlet. This is actually a fire hazard that can be avoided with one call to your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will appreciate the freedom and flexibility several well-placed outdoor outlets gives them. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your installation.

Electrical Considerations for Remodels Explained by Santa Monica Electrician

electriccon_06_6With summer weather driving you indoors where it is much cooler, you may be looking around the house and thinking you could change this or that to make it all a little better. Home remodels range from very minimal renovations to big changes that may include adding a room or completely removing walls. All of this will make your home a little more perfect for you and your family, but home remodels can be a lot of work. While small renovations are typically something the average homeowner will attempt to do on their own, an electrician in Santa Monica points out that even the smallest changes should be evaluated by an electrician. You can count on the team at The Electric Connection to send out an experienced electrician to handle the inspection for you.

When you hire a Santa Monica electrician to inspect the area you plan to remodel, you will get a good idea of the electrical work that is involved in the remodel. Often times, homeowners forget all about the electrical wiring that is needed with any renovation. During the inspection, you will be told what all is hiding behind the walls and what would need to happen to move the wiring. Things to consider are light fixtures, outlets and data lines. If you are planning on adding more outlets, your electrician will need to evaluate whether or not you have enough room in the breaker panel to do so.

Another important part of the inspection will be to determine the condition and age of your existing wiring. This is always a job for an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners who live in homes that are more than 30 years old will appreciate the information. Outdated wiring could be a fire hazard. Upgrading the wiring will make your home safer while potentially saving you money on your homeowner’s insurance. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your home inspection before you move forward with any remodeling plans.

Wireless Lighting Benefits with Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_06_5No matter how hard you try, it is a huge task to try and remember to shut off lights whenever they are not in use. If you have a busy household with several family members, your task is next to impossible. It is frustrating to have to constantly remind kids and other adults to turn off the lights. It is a full time job that nobody has the time or patience for. Did you know that lighting accounts from anywhere between 20 and 40 percent of your total electrical bill? An electrician in Pasadena has a viable solution for you that does not require you to be on full time light duty. The team at The Electric Connection can provide you with more information or you can read on.

Lighting timers or wireless lighting systems are the answer to your lighting police needs. A wireless system can be quickly installed on any light that you find to be a problem getting shut off. Hallways, stairways and bathrooms are common areas of installation. If you choose to go with a system that is wired into the home’s electrical system, the installation is best completed by a qualified electrician. Pasadena homeowners will feel better knowing the system has been installed by a professional and the risk of bad wiring is avoided.

A wireless system is the best option because it leaves no holes in the walls or ceilings. It does cost a little more up front, but the savings on your electric bill will certainly make up for it. You can save up to 50 percent on your electric bill with the installation of light timers. You can certainly install the wireless system on your own and you can avoid hiring a Pasadena electrician. The choice is yours. If you would like to learn more about wireless lighting systems or the installation of light timers, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Quick Facts about Smoke Alarms by Glendale Electrician

electriccon_06_4You have probably become so used to smoke alarms you rarely even notice they are in a room. That means you don’t notice when they are not around either. Or if they are working properly or placed in an appropriate place. Smoke alarms are one of those things that we ignore until we burn toast and remember we have them. Then they become an annoyance and the batteries are popped out with the intention of replacing them once the smoke has cleared out. Unfortunately, because they are so easily forgotten, they are often not replaced. An electrician in Glendale, like those at The Electric Connection, has a few facts to tell you about smoke alarms. These facts remind us why those little white discs in the corner are so important.

1-Smoke alarms need to be replaced every ten years. Most people assume they are good forever.

2-30 percent of home fires are in homes that have expired smoke alarms or no smoke alarms at all.

3-It is imperative you test your smoke alarm every month. A Glendale electrician points out it takes less than a minute to complete this potentially life-saving task.

4-Batteries should be replaced in each smoke alarm every 6 months, regardless if they are working. Fresh batteries are best.

5-Opting to go with at least one hard-wired smoke alarm on each floor is a good option. These will be installed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners can rest assured they will always have protection whether the batteries are fresh or not.

6-Every bedroom in the house should have a smoke alarm. A smoke alarm should be on each floor as well. 66 percent of homes do not have the minimum number of smoke alarms recommended.

If you would like to add another layer of protection and have hard-wired smoke alarms installed, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your installation.