Dramatic Lighting Schemes with Los Angeles Electrician

cap1-16When you walk into a room in the house, you flip a switch and the light comes on. It is a standard, expected feature. It is actually a little boring when you think about it. Your light looks just like the lights in every other room in every other house. Maybe you enjoy being a little different or appreciate making a statement. Dramatic lighting schemes are one way to make your house just a little different from the rest. A Los Angeles electrician, like those at The Electric Connection can help you achieve your goals of having a lighting scheme that enhances the room and will get guests talking.

There are so many options. If you have gorgeous artwork that you want to be the focal point when the lights are turned on or a particular corner that is meant to draw the eye, you need the right lighting. You don’t have to stick with the standard white light. You can have fun with it and add a splash of color or put the boring white light in a flashy fixture. An electrician in Los Angeles can pretty much install any fixture that catches your eye. Your biggest job will be doing the shopping and finding the right chandelier, wall light or recessed light.

The rest is up to your electrician. Los Angeles residents will appreciate how quickly a single change in the lighting scheme can change the look and feel of a room. Whether you want to go bold and bright or soft and subtle, it can be done. In fact, the light fixture changes can happen in just a few hours, assuming the wiring for the fixtures is already available. If it isn’t, no problem. New wiring can be added along with a new switch. Make the call today to The Electric Connection and transform your boring lighting into something fun and exciting.

Commercial Lighting Jobs by Electrician in Beverly Hills

Corporate restroom. Shot with Canon 30D and Canon 24-105L lens.
Corporate restroom. Shot with Canon 30D and Canon 24-105L lens.

One of the many aspects of owning a business includes the overall look of the building, inside and out. While bottom line profit numbers are a priority, you also must do what you can to ensure your business looks great and has plenty of lighting. Lighting also plays a huge role in the overall safety of your building for your customers as well as your employees. When you think about lighting, think about your electrician in Beverly Hills. At The Electric Connection, we understand the needs of your business and will ensure you get the best, most professional service team.

Your lighting needs indoors may not seem all that important until you see the results of newer fixtures. Your business can also save money by using more energy-efficient lighting systems, which of course adds to that bottom line. Whether you are revamping the area your customers see or redoing the employee work area, you are sure to get some great tips from your Beverly Hills electrician. Adding directed light in customer areas or brighter lights in employee work spaces will help the business overall. Dark, dingy spaces are unattractive and can actually strain an employee’s eyes as well as negatively impact their mood. You want happy employees, which will ensure you have happy customers.

Another area you may not pay a great deal of attention to is the restrooms. Believe it or not, many customers will judge a business based on the cleanliness and overall attractiveness of their bathrooms. This is an easy fix with the help of an electrician. Beverly Hills business owners can give their public restrooms a face lift by simply changing up and the light fixtures and brightening up the space. A bright bathroom looks cleaner and bigger. Do your business a favor and give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting upgrade.

Energy Savings Tips by Your California Electrician

electriccon_7You have probably turned on your furnace already this year or pulled out the space heaters to help warm up your room. It won’t be long before you start to see your electric bill rise with the cost of heating your home. There are some things you can do to help keep your electric bill down and more money in your pocket. Your neighborhood electrician has some best practices to help you reduce the amount of electricity you use on a daily basis. For more information, call The Electric Connection.

1-Turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees. You can wear a warm sweater or some thick socks while you are at home. At night, turn the thermostat down a couple more degrees since you will be sleeping with blankets.

2-Unplug your cell phone charger as well as tablet and laptop chargers when you are not using them. It may seem small, but every charger pulls a little electricity even when nothing is plugged in.

3-Switch out your old incandescent bulbs with CFL or LEDs. You may need to change out your light fixture, which your electrician can do for you. The investment in a new fixture will pay for itself when you save money on your monthly lighting bill.

4-Turn down the temperature on your water heater a few degrees. It is unlikely you would use water that is 125 to 140 degrees anyways. If you can’t use water that hot, it doesn’t make sense to waste the electricity heating it to that point.

5-Make it a rule you only wash full loads of dishes in the dishwasher and only full loads in the washer. Try washing clothes with cold water when possible.

6-Invest in heavy curtains to block the chilly air coming in through the glass in the winter and block the heat of the sun in the summer. This will keep your home more comfortable and save you money on your electric bill.

If you have any more questions for your electrician about energy savings, give The Electric Connection a call today to see what else you can do to save some cash.

Light Fixture Installation by Burbank Electrician

ElectricianWhen you are shopping at the home improvement store, many of the projects look so easy. It seems fairly simple to change out that tired old light fixture in your bedroom with a more modern one that matches your particular style. The box comes with everything you need, so how hard could it be? It can actually be very hard and extremely dangerous for the novice who has no idea how to connect wires safely. It is always best to be safe and hire an electrician in Burbank, like those at The Electric Connection, to complete any project that involves electricity.

Although those new light fixtures appear complete, there are still some serious safety precautions that need to be taken to ensure you don’t get electrocuted. There is also the concern of wiring the fixture incorrectly, which could be a serious safety hazard explains a Burbank electrician. When you hire a professional to take care of the installation, you get the peace of mind knowing it is going to be done right and it is going to look great once its complete. Light fixtures can be heavy and if you do not get them positioned just right, you risk them falling down or becoming loose.

Upgrading your light fixtures is something many homeowners do for aesthetic reasons, but there is also some cost savings involved in many cases. New fixtures are often designed to accommodate CFL bulbs or the much more energy efficient LEDs. You will save money on your electric bill by updating your light fixtures with the help of an electrician. Burbank homeowners that have found the perfect light fixture and want it installed can call The Electric Connection. Never risk your safety or the safety of your home by taking on an electrical job is you don’t have the knowledge or experience.

Understanding High Electric Bills by Santa Monica Electrician

electriccon_6Did you just get the electric bill in the mail and now you are suffering from a minor panic attack? You are not the first person to be surprised by a higher than average electric bill. Along with adjusting the budget to pay for the unexpected expense, you are probably making a commitment to go dark until you can get the high electric usage under control. Where do you start? An electrician in Santa Monica has a few suggestions that may help explain the high bill and how you can avoid repeating the same issue with another high bill next month. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

*Using a single light in a room to try and provide enough light probably isn’t working. You may have a couple of other lights on in the room to try and supplement the light, which is running up your electric bill. With shorter days, you will be using more light. Having a better, more energy efficient light fixture installed by a Santa Monica electrician can alleviate that issue.

*A water heater in a cold basement is going to run up your electric bill. Do what you can to insulate the water heater to help the water stay warm without the heater having to constantly kick on. You can upgrade to a better water heater that is insulated.

*Another big mistake people make without thinking about it is running half loads of laundry or the dishwasher. Always wait until the washer is full.

*You probably have several chargers plugged in with many of them interchangeable. If you can charge all the cell phones in the house with the same charger, unplug all but one and take turns charging your phones when possible.

Save yourself the shock of a high electric bill by following the advice from an electrician. Santa Monica residents can save hundreds of dollars every year by taking care of all the little things that add up. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting fixture replacement.

Dimmer Switches Save Money Says Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_09_5Sometimes, it truly is the little things that make a difference. When you are relaxing at home after a long day at work, you don’t necessarily want or need full on light. Maybe your eyes are tired and you just want a little light to sit by. That isn’t possible if you only have a single switch that has the lights full on or all the way off. A dimmer switch can eliminate that problem. It gives you full control of the light emitted from your bulbs. It is a quick and easy fix that can be taken care of by your electrician in Pasadena on a single visit. The professional staff at The Electric Connection can take care of your dimmer installation.

There are plenty of reasons you should have a dimmer switch installed.

*Save money on your electric bill. When you have things like chandeliers with several bulbs in them and each of those bulbs is on full power, you are going to run up your electric bill. With numerous bulbs, you rarely need each of them at full power. A Pasadena electrician can install a dimmer switch that lets you control how much light you shed. The lower the light, the more money you will save.

*Extend the life of your bulbs. You can make your lightbulbs last longer when you use a dimmer switch. As you know, some lightbulbs can get rather expensive. Making a bulb last a year or more will save you money while doing something great for the environment.

*Freedom to use your lights to set the mood is a huge perk to having a dimmer switch installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners will appreciate the ability to turn the lights down low to create an intimate, quiet setting or turn the lights on full power when it is necessary.

Dimmer switches are an affordable way to create an entirely new look in every room of your home. If you need a new fixture to accommodate your dimmer switch, this is an easy fix for an electrician. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your dimmer switch consultation.

Transform Your Home with an Electrician’s Help

Do you know one of the quickest ways to transform a room? Changing the lighting is one way to give a room an entirely new look without having to change the furniture or paint the walls. Of course, doing those two things will create a very dramatic effect. An electrician can help you achieve a new look in a single day. It is that simple. All you need to do is call The Electric Connection.

Creating a whole new look by changing out a single light fixture is actually a lot of fun. Head to your favorite home improvement store and spend some time browsing the lighting section. Looking online at different lighting techniques will also help give you some ideas of what you may like. When you are thinking about a lighting change with the help of a qualified electrician, consider these things;

What is the primary activity in the room; reading, watching television, entertaining, eating, cooking?
Is there artwork that you want to highlight?
Is there plenty of natural light?
How high is the ceiling? Would a hanging light be in the way?
Do you want the light to be a focal point or statement piece?

Talk with your electrician about what you are looking for in a new lighting scheme. Your electrical contractor can give you some valuable advice about what will work best and what should be avoided. Lighting has come a long way in the last 20 years. You are not longer relegated to the standard fixture in the middle of the room. There is recessed lighting, track lighting, brilliant chandeliers and a variety of unique fixtures. Along with the different styles of fixtures, you also have the option to switch to the energy-saving LEDs, which your electrician can explain in more detail. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting transformation.

Is Outdoor Recessed Lighting a Good Idea? Pasadena Electrician Answers

electriccon_07_5With the latest trend of installing recessed lighting in the interior of a home, many homeowners are wondering if the lights are a good option for outside as well. Recessed lighting offers many benefits and it just makes sense to take advantage of the latest and greatest lighting systems on the inside and outside of your home. The fixtures can be installed by an experienced electrician in Pasadena in a single day typically. That means you will be enjoying your new outdoor lighting that evening! You can call The Electric Connection to find out how soon you can schedule your lighting installation.

Check out some of the benefits to having recessed lighting installed on the outside of your home by a Pasadena electrician.

They don’t take up any room
They can light up dark spaces along stairways and under roofs
LEDs make it possible to place the lights almost anywhere
Lights are flush and do not hang down, interfering with plants or at risk of being broken

Hiring an Electrician

Although the lights are fairly simple to install, it is best to have the installation completed by a professional electrician. Pasadena homeowners won’t have to worry about ensuring the lights are properly insulated from the elements. There is also an issue of the light touching insulation. There will need to be a hole cut into the home to install the light and it is important it does not create a fire hazard by touching wires or insulation.

There are several styles of lights to choose from. You will want to choose one that is right for your needs. Recessed lights with reflective trims tend to be brighter and are a great option for areas that are particularly dark. Check out your home improvement store to get an idea of what you want and then give The Electric Connection a call and schedule your installation.

Electrical Considerations for Remodels Explained by Santa Monica Electrician

electriccon_06_6With summer weather driving you indoors where it is much cooler, you may be looking around the house and thinking you could change this or that to make it all a little better. Home remodels range from very minimal renovations to big changes that may include adding a room or completely removing walls. All of this will make your home a little more perfect for you and your family, but home remodels can be a lot of work. While small renovations are typically something the average homeowner will attempt to do on their own, an electrician in Santa Monica points out that even the smallest changes should be evaluated by an electrician. You can count on the team at The Electric Connection to send out an experienced electrician to handle the inspection for you.

When you hire a Santa Monica electrician to inspect the area you plan to remodel, you will get a good idea of the electrical work that is involved in the remodel. Often times, homeowners forget all about the electrical wiring that is needed with any renovation. During the inspection, you will be told what all is hiding behind the walls and what would need to happen to move the wiring. Things to consider are light fixtures, outlets and data lines. If you are planning on adding more outlets, your electrician will need to evaluate whether or not you have enough room in the breaker panel to do so.

Another important part of the inspection will be to determine the condition and age of your existing wiring. This is always a job for an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners who live in homes that are more than 30 years old will appreciate the information. Outdated wiring could be a fire hazard. Upgrading the wiring will make your home safer while potentially saving you money on your homeowner’s insurance. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your home inspection before you move forward with any remodeling plans.

10 Easy Electrical Safety Tips by Burbank Electrician

electriccon_06_3You have probably heard about electrical safety since the time you can remember. However, because we are so used to using electricity and having it around us all the time, we rarely stop to really think about it. Complacency can be dangerous. It is important to take a step back and really look at your home and surroundings. Are there any electrical hazards looming? Are you practicing safe electrical habits? An electrician in Burbank has some quick tips for you to practice. You can always call The Electric Connection to learn more and ask more in depth questions about electrical safety.

1-Only have electrical work in your home completed by a qualified Burbank electrician.

2-Plug large appliances like refrigerator, oven and microwave directly into an outlet.

3-Use GFCI outlets in the kitchen and bathroom area. These should be installed by an electrician. Burbank residents can protect themselves from electric shock in areas where water is present with this type of outlet.

4-Don’t make extension cords a permanent solution. If you need more outlets, have some installed by an electrician.

5-Don’t plug more than one heat producing appliance i.e. toaster, space heater, coffee maker, into an outlet at the same time.

6-Have all remodel work completed by an electrician.

7-If you are buying a new home, have it inspected by an electrician first.

8-Only use lightbulbs that are appropriate for a light fixture.

9-Ensure electrical cords are not damaged or at risk of being damaged from being run across walkways or smashed in doors.

10-If you experience a tingling feeling or small jolt when plugging in an appliance, stop! Don’t use the appliance until you can have the outlet inspected.

These are quick, basic tips that can actually prevent serious injury. If you have any questions or need an electrician to complete some work or an electrical inspection, give The Electric Connection a call today.