Is Your Electric Meter Spinning? Glendale Electrician Provides Energy Savings Tips

electricon4_4-16You know that little meter outside your home that is fairly unattractive and unnoticeable until you hear it making a scary sound. The sound is the little dial spinning around and around. That dial spinning represents your money flying out the door. The dial is measuring the amount of electricity you are using in your house. A spinning meter can be a little scary and you will be dreading the next electric bill. When you think about this summer, it is easy to really get concerned about how much it will cost you to keep your home cool. An electrician in Glendale can help you manage your spinning meter and help keep some of that money in your pocket. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

These are 5 ways you can help limit your electricity usage and keep your electric bill down.

1-Make a commitment to set your thermostat at about 74 this summer. That is a comfortable temperature and you can maximize it by using a ceiling fan installed by a Glendale electrician to help stir up a breeze and circulate the cool air.

2-Buy a laundry rack and dry a few things outside on the patio to cut down on how often you use the dryer.

3-Be more conscientious about the amount of hot water you use. Don’t leave the faucet running while you wipe down cupboards or rinse dishes. Shave a few minutes off your shower time as well.

4-Switch out your old bulbs for the much more energy friendly LEDs. These tiny little bulbs use a fraction of the electricity of the standard bulb. You can also use CFLs. In some cases, you will need to have your light fixtures upgraded by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will appreciate the new look an updated fixture brings to a room.

5-Buy new curtains and blinds to use as sun shields this summer. It will help keep your home warmer and save on cooling costs.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to install that new light fixture or ceiling fan so you can start saving money on your electric bill.

Upgrading Your Electric Panel with Beverly Hills Electrician

electricon2_4-16You may be getting tired of having to unplug this to plug in that or walking around trying to find an extension cord long enough to use your laptop in your favorite chair when it is dead. Everything we do somehow involves electricity and when the electricity isn’t dependable or easily accessed, things can be difficult. For some, the problem is their home was build 30 years or more ago and back then, builders didn’t have to worry about putting six outlets in the kitchen or several outlets in one spot in the living room to accommodate all of today’s gadgets. Today, when you try to run the microwave and coffee maker at the same time, you get a tripped breaker. Your electrician in Beverly Hills can help you with that. You only need to call The Electric Connection.

The reason you can’t use several appliances at the same time is because the way the outlets were wired to the same breaker. The breaker cannot support the electrical demand. When you look at the basic number of outlets in the living room or your bedroom, it is the same story. A Beverly Hills electrician explains each of those outlets and the light fixture in the room tend to be on one breaker. Trying to add more outlets or a powerstrip to create more outlets is going to overload the breaker and it will trip.

Regular tripping breakers weaken overtime and will eventually not work altogether. You can solve all of these problems by having your electric panel upgraded by an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will love the freedom more electricity brings. Charging devices, running appliances with the lights on and living life in the 21st century is possible with an upgrade. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment.

Electrical Repairs Require Santa Monica Electrician

electriccon_06_5When your car isn’t running right or you have a leaky faucet, you may try and diagnose and repair the problem yourself. These are fairly innocent symptoms and a number of people can safely take care of the problem just by using Google or talking to somebody at the auto parts store or their local hardware store. Unfortunately, electrical problems in the home, even those that seem relatively simple, can be extremely dangerous for the average person to fix. It is absolutely imperative you call an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners who suspect they have something going on with the electrical in their home can call The Electric Connection.

Sometimes, the obvious problem is just a symptom of something much bigger. A light switch that doesn’t seem to work or an outlet that is loose or makes a popping noise may seem like no big deal, but it is. It is hard to say what is happening without an inspection from a trained and certified electrician in Santa Monica. It could really be a quick fix that requires a little tightening of the wires or a replace of the switch or outlet. It could also be an indication of faulty wiring or wiring that is old and brittle.

There are plenty of other scenarios that would require you to call a Santa Monica electrician. If you want new outlets, additional outlets or new light fixtures, you will want to leave the job to the professionals. This ensures the job will be done right and you can sleep better at night knowing it was handled by someone who has been through extensive training and been certified. It is too risky to ignore the problem or attempt to diagnose it if you don’t have the knowledge. Give The Electric Connection a call today if you suspect your electrical wiring may need a little help.

Lighting Concepts by an Electrician in Pasadena

electricon5_3-16The standard light fixture is average. It is expected. You walk into a room and you flip the switch, the light comes on and your room looks like a million other rooms in houses all across the world. What if you wanted something a little different? Maybe something that speaks to your style and reflects your personality. An electrician in Pasadena can help you come up with a unique lighting scheme that will improve the way your room looks and make you feel more comfortable with the style. The team at The Electric Connection has a team of electricians who know how to transform an ordinary room into one that pops.

We live in a time where ordinary lighting is becoming out of style. People want to have their space tailored to them. Adding new lighting that may have bold colors or a unique design will make you feel like you have put your own special touch on your home, which you have. A Pasadena electrician can install as many or as few light fixtures as you want—where you want. You don’t have to settle for the single light in the center of the ceiling. There are some standards, like track lighting or recessed lighting, but you can find some very unique shields and shades.

Pendants and hanging lights are also a fun way to add some color to the kitchen. You can choose to have the pendants at varying lengths. You can discuss the various hanging options with your electrician. Pasadena homeowners will appreciate the flexibility that technology has brought to the lighting world. Bold and bright or subtle and soft, You are sure to find a combination that makes your room feel more comfortable and homey. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new lighting concept.

When You Need to Call an Electrician

electricon7_3-16If you are sick, you call a doctor. If you air conditioner stops working, you call an HVAC repairman. We are fortunate to live in a world where we are only a phone call away from help. We are not expected to fix things ourselves. In fact, the economy relies on us calling in professionals who have went to school and made a living repairing things and making our lives a little easier. What about an electrician? When should you call an electrician, like those at The Electric Connection.

Here are a list of jobs that would require you to give your electrician a call.

  • When you have a flickering light or a light that doesn’t always turn on when you flipped the switch.
  • When you need electrical upgrades around the house, like adding additional outlets or replacing old outlets with GFCI outlets.
  • When you want to add a new light fixture.
  • When you know you have old wiring that could be potentially dangerous.
  • If you are doing any kind of remodeling or adding an addition to your home.
  • When you are having a new home built from the ground up.
  • When you buy a new house or are thinking about selling and want to know the condition of the electrical wiring in the home. This is especially important if the home was built before 1950 and there is no proof of electrical upgrades.
  • Upgrading the breaker panel to accommodate your needs.
  • Installing a home office.

This is not a comprehensive list, but it does include some of the more common reasons you would need to hire an electrician. If you have a job that is listed here or have any questions about what kind of electrical work you may need, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your consultation.

Saving Money on Your Electric Bill by Glendale Electrician

electricon4_2-16There are always things you need to buy. Sometimes life likes to throw little emergencies your way and you will be short on funds. Wouldn’t it be nice to find ways to save money on your monthly bills so you were prepared for those little emergencies? You may have noticed your electric bill going up. This is something you can expect to continue happening for the months and years to come. That electric bill is going to cut into your budget and make things a little tighter. Your Glendale electrician has some tips to help you lower your electric bill and keep a little extra money in your pocket. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

Replacing Light Bulbs

If you haven’t done it yet, you need to get rid of those old bulbs that are sucking electricity and running up your bill. Replace those bulbs with CFLs or have an electrician in Glendale install LED fixtures. CFLs use about 75 percent less electricity than incandescent and LEDs use about 90 percent less.

Use Less Hot Water

Shave a few minutes off of your daily shower. When washing your hands, rinse and shut off the water while you are lathering up and scrubbing. Turn on the water and then shut off again. Only wash full loads of dishes and consider turning the setting on your clothes washer to warm or cold water.

Unplug Appliances

It may not seem like a big deal, but every single thing that you have plugged in is drawing electricity explains an electrician. Glendale residents can save a few dollars every day by unplugging cell phone chargers, laptop chargers and even gaming systems that they don’t use regularly. Anything that is plugged in is drawing a small current. It is something known as phantom electricity.

These three things are easy and will not change your lifestyle in anyway, but they will save you money. If you have questions about energy savings or want to install energy-efficient light fixtures, give The Electric Connection a call today.

When Light Fixtures Stop Working by Burbank Electrician

electricon3_2-16There is nothing more frustrating then flipping on the light to your room or the kitchen and it won’t come on. Maybe it flickers and pops before going out completely. It not only leaves you in the dark, but it makes you more than a little worried about the safety of your home. Electricity is no joke and you never know what is going on in the ceiling or behind the sheetrock where all of those electrical wires are sitting. It is a scary situation and deserves immediate attention from an electrician. Burbank homeowners who have a light fixture that is giving them fits can call The Electric Connection to get it looked at right away.

A faulty wire or a wire that has shorted out could be causing the problem. The light fixture may be fine, but it isn’t getting the electricity it needs to function. That means those wires that were once feeding electricity to the fixture are sitting behind the light, touching insulation. This is a recipe for disaster and can lead to an electrical fire. The situation must be attended to by an electrician in Burbank as quickly as possible. It is a good idea to flip the breaker that feeds the light to cut off the electricity while you wait for help to arrive.

Some fixtures are truly outdated and the wiring inside the fixture itself may be bad. This is difficult to tell just by looking. Your Burbank electrician will need to perform some quick tests to track down where the problem lies. Once the problem has been identified, you will be given your list of options to take care of it. In many cases, the fixture needs replaced or the wiring to the fixture needs to be fixed. Don’t put off calling an electrician if you have a fixture that is flickering or not working. Give The Electric Connection a call today.

Upgrading to Recessed Lighting with Beverly Hills Electrician

electricon2_2-16Are you one of those people who enjoys watching home makeover shows? If so, you may be feeling inspired and want to make some changes to your own home. On those shows, they make it look so easy. A person hands over the reins to a professional designer who then hires contractors to do the work and within half an hour a home is given an overhaul. In real life it isn’t quite that easy and is definitely not that fast, but you can give your home a makeover without going through a lot of trouble. You will need an electrician in Beverly Hills to make it happen. The crew at The Electric Connection can help you transform your home by simply replacing some outdated lighting.

If you have watched those shows, you have probably noticed they tend to favor recessed lighting in places like the living room and kitchen. The lighting is sleek and makes the room look bigger by simply leaving the ceiling area clear. When you install light fixtures, you lose several inches of space, that can make the area look smaller. When a Beverly Hills electrician installs recessed lighting, sometimes referred to as can lights, you are creating an area that makes it feel more open and the ceiling will feel and look higher.

This is a simple fix that you actually can have done in a single day. You would be amazed at the difference the removal of hanging lights and chandeliers will make in an area. It is very cost effective and you can add as much light as you want by talking with your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will have a number of different design options to choose from. Your choices are absolutely not limited. Give The Electric Connection a call today to schedule your home makeover that starts with the lights.

Commercial Buildings Need Los Angeles Electrician

electricon1_2-16If you are the owner of a commercial building that hosts floors filled with business offices, you know you have a responsibility to ensure the building is electrically safe and in good working condition. While some corporations choose to have an in-house maintenance team, most realize that electrical work is a specialty and the typical maintenance person is not going to have an electrical license, which is why you need a trained and certified electrician in Los Angeles. You will find a great team ready to help you take care of your commercial properties at The Electric Connection.

When you are responsible for keeping tenants happy, it can be a big job. There are minor problems that are going to need to be taken care of, like replacing light fixtures inside and outside the building. Things like tripping breakers and poor connections are also common issues that arise on a weekly basis. Your Los Angeles electrician can take care of all those minor problems in a timely manner. When you are the landlord or owner of the building, you have a responsibility to solve problems quickly. You can’t afford to be put on a list that may take weeks before someone can come out.

If you have been informed of a much bigger problem, like no power to an entire office or section of the building, you will definitely need the services of a trained commercial electrician. Los Angeles property owners will need to hire a team that can maintain a professional demeanor and represent the company hiring the work as well as the businesses operating in the space. You don’t want to hire a company that isn’t professional and doesn’t have the appearance of a crew that respects business operations and personal property. Don’t hire just any electrician or person who claims to be an electrician without checking credentials. You can always count on the team at The Electric Connection to provide excellent, timely and professional service for your commercial properties.

Recessed Lighting in the Kitchen by Pasadena Electrician

electricon5_1-16If you have ever watched a home makeover show, you know the kitchen is one of the most popular areas to improve. Some of the kitchen upgrades include new cabinets, counter tops and appliances. Any one of those things can run you upwards of five thousand dollars. Big renovations like that are not always feasible for everyone. Fortunately, you can still give you kitchen a face lift, without paying a huge price. All you need to do is give an electrician in Pasadena a call. The crew at The Electric Connection can help you make your kitchen look more modern, brighter and completely different.

One of the quickest ways to change the way a room feels is by opening it up. Kitchens that have hanging lights or even track lighting may feel a little closed in, simply because the space that is eaten up by the hanging lights. It detracts from the kitchen. When you have recessed lights installed by a Pasadena electrician, you will free up that space. The recessed lights are flush with the ceiling and leave plenty of head room. When you walk into the kitchen, you see pretty counters and cabinets and not light fixtures. Your view is not impeded, which makes the room feel bigger and more airy. Removing window treatments can also help open up the room.

The lights look clean and many people appreciate the sleek look they provide. With nothing getting in the way, you can see the entire kitchen explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners will love the fact that there are different sizes and pretty options for adding rims around the lights for a more dramatic effect. You can choose to have a couple of lights or flood the room with lots of lights. Give The Electric Connection a call today and see how you can renovate your kitchen for very little investment.