How Much Does it Cost to Rewire a House

rewire older homeA large number of house fires are attributed to faulty wiring. Rewiring your home is the best way to ensure your electrical components are up to date and suitable to carry a modern-day house needs. Many homeowners worry about the costs and the stress of rewiring. Yes, you have to dig deep into your pockets to undertake this project. However, no matter the cost, a reliable electrical system that guarantees safety and efficiency is worth it. The question some homeowners like to ask before they proceed with this project is, how much does it cost to rewire a house. We will discuss all the factors involved with this.

When is rewiring important?
Generally, house rewiring is a necessity in old homes. This is because older homes use less powerful panels that may be unsuitable for the needs of contemporary homes. Also, the electrical components of an old home may be worn out and outdated. They can emit radiations and heat which increases the risk of a house fire.

When circuit breakers trip frequently or fuse blow up in the home, it is a sign of faulty wiring.

If the outlets in the home are warm or hot to touch, emanating burning smell and crackling sounds, or causing electrical shocks, then you need to call a professional electrician immediately.

How do you confirm?

Every homeowner would want to know that they are safe in their home. Regardless of if you experience any of the warning signs above, it is still important to always confirm electrical safety. Routine inspections from a licensed electrician are all you need to determine if you need rewiring or not. When you live in your own home, you can have electrical inspections every ten years. This is different when you are a landlord with a rented property or the tenant. An electrician should inspect such homes at intervals of five years.

Factors that make up the final cost of rewiring

An electrician wouldn’t just give you any quote. There are factors involved which is why an inspection is also necessary before pricing. Here are the things that will be considered for your house rewiring quote

  • The size of your home
    A bigger home will typically cost more to rewire as it would take up more materials and time.
  • Demolition required
    In some homes, it is necessary to tear down existing structures. This labor will be reflected in the cost.
  • Materials cost
    The electrical technicians will cost the types of materials used and include this in the final price.
  • Empty house or occupied house
    Some electricians have a fee to represent this because working in an empty home is faster.
  • Ease or difficulty of the project
    If the previous electrical contractor did a terrible job or if your wiring is extremely damaged, it can impact the ease with which the electrician would work. This will be accounted for as well.

Get a house rewire quote

A small home with basic needs may cost around $1500 to $3000, while larger homes with varying needs can range from $4000 to $10, 000+. In order to get an accurate quote, you will need to consult with an electrician.

Fortunately, The Electric Connection has made it easy to get a house rewire quote. Simply visit this page and answer a few questions and a house rewire quote will be emailed to you!

What Are The Alternatives to Rewiring a House

los angeles house rewireHouse rewiring is something most homeowners don’t want to hear. It involves replacing and upgrading the home’s current wiring for several reasons. House rewiring can be pricey and messy for a lived-in home. The electricians have to access what is in place and change them.

Although it is not every homeowner’s favorite project, it is sometimes inevitable. Before we discuss further, it is important to know why rewiring is necessary.

  • If you are taking on a remodeling project. This can include extending or converting rooms in a home. This will alter the existing structure and require electrical rewiring to conform to electrical safety rules. If new appliances are fitted in the rooms, the house rewiring will be carried out to accommodate them.
  • If the home has not been rewired in the last 20 to 30 years. This is common in old homes. Many people choose old homes for a reason. Some want to feel connected to history or enjoy the homeliness that just oozes from such old houses. The downside to all of this is old electrical wiring. A professional electrician should inspect the electrical system of an old home to determine if it needs to be replaced.
  • If you want to improve convenience. Rewiring is usually required when the current house wiring seems unsafe. However, you can also do this for convenience. Adding new switches, outlets, appliances, and installations may require a house rewiring to accommodate them.

Are there any alternatives?

House rewiring is a big project. It costs money and creates a mess. Of course, there would be less to fix and clean up after if you haven’t moved into the house. The complexity of the project discourages some homeowners.

You might wonder if there are any alternatives to a complete house rewiring. The best option is to call for a survey. An electrical technician can survey your electrical system and tell you the status. If there are faulty outlets in your home, they would equally inform you if fixing them would cut down cost and solve the problem.

This remedial work should not be carried out without the opinion of a licensed electrician. The survey might cost a small fee but what is important is finding a good and honest electrician.

Ensure that after the survey, the remedial work is carried out by a professional electrician. Take personal measures such as creating dedicated sockets for larger appliances. You can also install fire alarms for increased safety.

Remember, that the ideal option for a faulty system is a full rewiring. You can only use a remedial process if the system is salvageable with a few fixes. This is meant to save cost and stress but make sure you weigh all options before making a choice.

The Electric Connection
You need trusted electricians to provide electrical services. At The Electric Connection we provide surveys, consultation, installation, and other services you may need. We can inform you of affordable ways to have a safe electrical system.

What is the Importance of House Rewiring?

rewire older homeHouse rewiring or electrical rewiring is the process of replacing old, inefficient, hazardous, or unreliable electrical system. House rewiring provides an improvement to the performance of the electrical system and ensures electrical safety. There are several factors that determine when you need a house rewire. Ideally, a properly installed electrical system can last as long as 20 years but the use if the electrical system and type of wiring can affect its lifespan.

Old homes usually require electrical rewiring because most installations have been worn out or are outdated. House rewiring is a major task in many ways. It is costly and requires time and expertise of a professional electrician.

The importance of undertaking a house rewiring project is much more than electrical safety and reliability. Here are some of the major benefits and importance.

  1. Increase in value of the home
    Having a home rewired increases its value in the event of a sale. It is a big plus to know that the home’s electrical system is fully modified and safe. A house should be seen as an investment especially when you are a property manager. Electrical rewiring makes the home appealing to buyers, tenants, investors, and so on.
  2. Change what you want
    An electrical rewiring project gives you the best opportunity to make your home technology friendly. You can change old and worn out parts to be replaced with modern, up to standard parts. You can also determine the ideal spots you want sockets or outlets to be placed.
  3. An electrically optimized home
    An electrically optimized home offers maximum comfort, convenience, and safety. It provides dedicated circuits to most appliances, more control, and energy saving options for the home.
  4. Safety
    Safety is the primary reason for a house rewire. Old or faulty wiring can develop to larger problems that put life and property at risk. Electrical safety is crucial in every home. Hence it is advisable to call an electrician from The Electric Connection to inspect or provide rewiring services.
  5. To accommodate new appliances
    Some appliances can demand more power than your house is wired to offer. If you have one or more of such new appliances, then it is important to hire an electrical technician for a rewiring service. This will prevent any strain or damage to the present system.
  6. Electrical codes and standard
    An old house wiring may not be updated with the latest electrical codes and standard. Rewiring the home presents the opportunity to install systems that keep these standards. An experienced electrician will be able to rewire your home with knowledge on the current codes and standards.

A lot of people take the electrical system for granted despite its importance. To avoid accidents or dysfunction in the home, it is best to take the necessary precautions. A house rewire is a worthy investment but it can only maintain its value when provided by a licensed electrician. At The Electric Connection we are professional, licensed, and experienced electrical technicians. Contact us for your home’s electrical rewiring. We ensure that everything is optimized and organized the first time.

Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel? – Los Angeles

los angeles panel upgradeToday’s homes are energy vampires. We wake up in the morning, turn on the coffee pot, all the lights, maybe turn on the TV to catch the news. We have become so accustomed to having electricity, it doesn’t even cross our minds how the process of powering our homes work. Unfortunately, if we don’t learn, when something goes wrong, we won’t be able to fix it. As our need for energy grows, so must the ways we get power.

All of the power supplying your house can be found in a little metal box called the electrical panel, or main panel, or breaker box – it has a lot of names. Inside this box, you can find different things based on what type of panel you have.

In modern homes, you will find switches called circuit breakers. These circuit breakers start and stop the flow of electricity from the outside source to the different areas in your home. Think of when the power last went out in your home. You might have had to go out to find the electrical panel to flip back on the breaker. When the circuit breaker detects an anomaly it will trip off the breaker to protect your home from any damages.

If you don’t have circuit breakers, you might find fuses. This could potentially be dangerous. Unlike circuit breakers, fuses will not trip if they sense a problem. This could cause a problem that may result in a fire. If you have fuses in your panel, you might want to contact an electrician to see if you need a panel upgrade.

You may be asking yourself, “what other things call for a panel upgrade?” Well, there are quite a few things you can check out if you think you might need an upgrade:

Your home’s age – If you have an older home, it might be time for a panel upgrade, especially if you haven’t had one within the last decade. Older homes were not equipped to handle the loads we demand today which means that the panel problem isn’t supplying enough power. An electrician can help you determine if that is the case. Most likely you will have to upgrade from a 60amp panel to 100amp or 200amp panel. This will allow you to have more devices connected in your home.

Addition of large appliances – If you are adding a large appliance that will require a lot of power, such as a new dryer, refrigerator, or car charger, you may need to upgrade your panel or add a dedicated circuit. Again, this is an issue of not having enough power in your main electrical panel.

Frequently tripping breakers – As mentioned above, when your breakers trip, they’re protecting you from harm because there has been an anomaly detected. Too many tripped breakers could mean there is something wrong. A professional electrician can help you determine if there is something wrong with the circuit breaker or if you need to upgrade your panel.

Regardless of what is going on, if you think you need to have your panel upgraded, contact a professional electrician to help you determine the case. They will assess your situation and give you recommendations on what is the best course of action.

Whether you want us to rewire your entire home, or fix a single electrical outlet, The Electric Connection in Los Angeles will provide you with excellent services from skilled, licensed electricians.

Whole House Rewiring Service Costs

house rewire costThe electrical system to your house can be an expensive thing to upgrade but might be a necessity to help protect your home’s value and your family’s lives.

When you don’t have enough power to run your home, it can be more than just an inconvenience. Tripping breakers can not only just shut off your devices, but it can also cause damage to the more sensitive electric devices. Having enough energy is critical to keeping all the appliances in your home up and running at optimal levels.

Your home may seem like it has enough power, but even if things are running fine, it can use still need an upgrade. Have you ever turned on every device in your home at the same time? This is not recommended but you can truly find out how much your panel can handle when everything is turned on. There is an easier way to find out what amperage your panel is – by inspecting it. A professional electrician can also help you determine the amount of load your panel can handle.

With enough power being supplied to your home, it can still be difficult to find power in different areas of your home. Without sufficient recepticles in your home, you may rely on unnecessary power strips or extension cords. These cords and strips can cause dangerous safety hazards such as trips and falls or even fires. An electrician can help you place additional outlets around your home.

If your home has sufficient power and enough outlets, you may still find yourself needing a house rewire. This is when all or some of the wiring in your home is replaced with new wiring. A house rewire could be necessary for a variety of reasons – age, degrading wiring, hazardous wiring, etc. An electrician can help you determine whether or not you need a whole house rewire.

The cost of a house rewire depends on a lot of different aspects of your home including size, age, and how much of the home needs to be rewired. Again, an electrician can give you a definitive answer on the cost to rewire your home, but you can expect to pay around $3,500 to $8,000 for a full house rewire – especially if all the walls need to be opened up to access the wiring.

A professional electrician should be able to assess your situation and give you an accurate quote for a house rewire. This is a large project so be sure to do research before choosing the best electrician.

If you live in the Los Angeles area and are looking for proficient, understanding and honest electrical experts, we hope you will consider using The Electric Connection of Los Angeles for your electrical work.

Smart Renovation Decisions for People with Older Homes

Smart Renovation

Making improvements to your home can mean a lot of different things. When you have an older home, it’s important to consider how your home’s age can impact the costs of your upgrades.  It’s also important to understand what you can feasibly DIY and know what projects are better left to the professionals. So, take these things into account when planning your renovations.

Research and Plan

Older homes provide their own unique charm, and they also provide unique challenges. With that in mind, you need to be smart about your improvement projects. Sure, if you’re handy, there are plenty of things you can manage on your own. However, older homes often mean hidden renovation concerns, which are better handled by professionals. Homes built prior to the late ’80s often contain lead and asbestos, materials which should only be handled by professionals.  Damage from termites, mold, or mildew should also be               repaired by a pro, and if your home needs plumbing or foundation repairs, you should hire someone to do the work. Radon requires specialized mitigation services, and many older homes have outdated electrical systems which should be rewired by a professional, licensed electrician.

Any time you have a project where you lack expertise, or that is well beyond your comfort zone, consider hiring someone to tackle the job. If you try it yourself, sometimes you can create a bigger mess through lack of knowledge, leaving you worse off for your time, energy, and money. Some situations can even get you hurt or killed. Still not sure? Research suggestions for home improvement projects to avoid. Just remember to leave some room in your budget; for example, a typical rate is about $150 per hour for a crew of two electricians while the national average to hire a plumber is between $45 and $65 per hour.

Protect Your Investments

Whoever does the work, if your older home is decorated with antiques or original furnishings, ensure your belongings are out of the way so they don’t become damaged during renovations.  With that in mind, consider renting a storage unit to keep your things safe. Self-storage units booked in Los Angeles over the past 180 days hit an overall average of $144.98, which is a low price to pay for peace of mind and the protection of your belongings.

Value-Savvy Suggestions

Certain projects can make a can make a big impact on the value of your home, as well as providing a more comfortable environment for you.

Here are some ideas:

  • Open living areas. This Old House points out that older home designs can feel cramped in comparison to today’s models. Knocking out non-structural walls is a great way to open up space and give you more room.
  • Kitchen islands. If you’re tight on space, you might consider removing a kitchen island, although you should weigh how much storage your kitchen provides without it before committing. If you’re renovating a kitchen and adding an island, think about including extra depth when designing the countertop. This way, the island affords seating as well as storage and extra space to work.
  • Add shelving. Older homes are known to offer minimal built-in storage. One way to add more storage is to take advantage of an unused corner. It’s an inexpensive and relatively low-skill home improvement project that can be a boon to your home’s functionality.
  • Add lighting. Adding more light fixtures can brighten up a room, creating a sense of spaciousness. Kitchens and bathrooms are particularly important when it comes to home value since they are pivotal in many buyers’ decisions. If you need to choose, improving the lighting in those two spaces can make the biggest impact on your home’s value. New Home Source suggests putting overhead and task lighting in the kitchen and baths.

Owning an older home can mean needing to make improvements, whether it’s for your comfort, safety, or the value of your home. Make sure you hire a pro for projects beyond your skill level. Older homes have special appeal, and being smart about renovations can make all the difference for you as a homeowner.

How To Know if Your Panel Needs Upgraded

Owning a home is great! There are many benefits… you can paint the walls whatever color you like, you can decorate the outside whenever you feel like it, there’s a yard your kids and pets can play in… but there are also some disadvantages – like when things start to break or get old. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is causing something to not work. Figure that out is only half the battle. With electrical issues, it can be hard to even troubleshoot the problem, let alone fix it.

When homeowners have issues with their electrical system, the big question is usually: Do I need a panel upgrade? Followed closely by the second question: How much does a panel upgrade cost? This article should help you figure out if a panel upgrade is necessary and the steps to determining a cost for it.

First off, what exactly is the main panel? The electrical panel is a hub of energy for your home. It connects all the electricity from the power lines outside your home to all the outlets inside your home. This is the place you find with a flashlight when your breakers have tripped off all the lights in your home.

Most days, homeowners don’t even think about their electrical panel. This is why when something goes wrong, it’s often a shock – no pun intended. As with all things in life, electrical panels will grow old and stop working. It’s important to check up on it from time to time. In addition to age and normal wear and tear, there are a few other reasons homeowners should replace their electrical panel.

Fuse Boxes
Homes built before the 1960s were equipped with fuses boxes. These were great back when there wasn’t a need for a lot of electricity. Nowadays, the strain that is put on an electrical box is greater. With circuit breakers, if there is too much power being required, it will trip to stop the flow of energy and protect the home from any dangers. Fuses do not have this safety capability and should be replaced to keep your home and family safe.

Older Homes
If your home was built more than 20 years ago, it might be a good idea to have your electrical system checked out. As with fuse boxes, older homes might have outdated panels or wiring that needs to be upgraded to go with today’s need.

Smells and Sounds
It’s never a good sign to smell burning or hear cracking sounds. If you are experiencing any strange sounds when it comes to your electrical panel, call an electrician immediately to get it looked at. Don’t just stop at your panel though. If you smell or hear anything in or around your outlets or switches, this could also be a sign there is something wrong with your panel.

Frequent Tripping
Even though the circuit breakers trip to provide safety for your home, they shouldn’t be tripping often. This could mean there is too much power being required from it. You may need a panel upgrade to handle all the load needed for your home.

Next comes the cost issues. Every panel upgrade situation is unique. A professional electrician should be able to ask you a few questions and give you a ballpark price before inspecting your home in person.

It is important to pay attention to the signs your home is showing you. The next time you’re searching for your tripped breakers in the dark, consider calling an electrician to see if you need a panel upgrade.

The Electric Connection of Los Angeles has been providing electrical services to the people of LA county for over 30 years. We are experts when it comes to panel upgrades and house rewires. If you need any assistance, please give us a call.

Need Your House Rewired? Check These Signs

house rewire signs, outlet fireHow important is it really to make sure your house has adequate wiring? In the United States, fire departments across the country respond to over 25,000 home electrical fires every year. The U.S. Fire Administration has reported that these fires have caused 28- deaths, 1,125 injuries, and over $1 billion in property loss and damage.

The major cause in these house fires? Improperly installed outlets and receptacles, interior home wiring, and other miscellaneous home wirings.

These numbers may seem staggering, but there are simple steps to prevent your home from being another statistic. Schedule an appointment for a professional electrician to visit your home to check out the wiring. It may seem like a big expense to have your home completely rewired with a new panel installed, but considering the alternatives, it’s better to play it safe than sorry.

Fortunately, there are warning signs telling you if you need a house rewire. Your electrical system will often show you in advance that things are wrong. Below we have included a list of the signs to look out for.

  • Frequently blow fuses or breakers tripping
  • Overloaded electrical panel
  • Lights flickering or dimming randomly
  • Discolored or hot to touch switch plates, cords, or plugs
  • Frequently burned out light bulbs
  • Strange noises, such as sizzling or buzzing
  • Strange smells, such as a burning smell
  • Sparks when plugging things into outlets
  • Loose outlets
  • Insulation that is cracked or cut
  • Shocks when touching a cord

Other than warning signs, there are other situations that may call for a house rewire. It’s a good idea to have an electrician come out to check on your electrical system every few years. If your home is older than 40 years old or you have had any major renovations or remodels, you may need to have a new panel upgrade to support the use. Below are some other situations you may need a rewire.

  • Relying on extension cords to supply power
  • The use of ungrounded, two-prong outlets
  • The presence of aluminum wiring

Even if you are not experiencing any of these warning signs or solutions, an electrician can give you more details on the state of your electrical system in your home. If you haven’t had it checked in a while, be safe and call an electrician today.

The Electric Connection has been providing the Los Angeles area with house rewires and panel upgrades for over 30 years. If you are experiencing any issues, please call us today!

What Does An Electrician Do?

Los Angeles Electrical ContractorWorking as an electrician you can expect to do everything from installing to maintaining all electrical and power systems found in homes, businesses, or factories. If you take a look a the wiring or control equipment found in a structure, there’s a good chance, as an electrician, you will be working on it. Wherever electricity flows, you can find an electrician.

Like many fields, electricians often specialize in different areas, such as commercial or residential, installation or maintenance. For example, an electrician specializing in construction can often be found installing wiring for new buildings or homes. Residential electricians often focus more on homes and apartment buildings, whereas commercial electricians focus on working in buildings, such as offices or stores. It’s not uncommon to specialize in a multitude of things as well.

There are many tools an electrician must use throughout their day. For example, when an electrician is installing new wiring, you can see them using conduit benders, screwdrivers, pliers, and wire strippers. To test the wiring, tools such as voltmeters or ammeters are used. These tools are used to ensure the job is safe to start and safely completed.

When performing electrical maintenance, the work varies from day to day. There are many different components of electrical items so it greatly depends on where that electrician is working that day. Residential electricians will often provide a variety of jobs for homeowners, such as rewires or new ceiling fan installations. Commercial electrical jobs are more intense and require a bit more training. These electricians will be found repairing motors, transformers, or generators. A great skill that a commercial electrician also has is advising on which equipment works well together and which will cause hazards.

If you are considering becoming an electrician, be prepared to work indoors and outdoors, as well as inside attics and underneath homes. Work can be very strenuous sometimes and require the lifting of heavy items which standing and crouching for long periods of time. There are great risks of shocks, falls, and cuts if you’re not careful or know what you’re doing.

Each state varies in what is necessary to become a journeyman electrician. Schooling and testing and required in order to get your license. Many companies offer jobs as helpers for those who do not yet have their license. This will give a junior electrician the experience necessary to take the next step. You can also learn a lot by working with a professional electrician.

Working as an electrician can be a tough job but can be very rewarding work. To see a homeowner happy with a new installation or to see your work admired by customers can be a great feeling. Electricity runs the world so there should be no shortage of electrician jobs in the country.

The Electric Connection has been providing electrical services to the Los Angeles area for over 30 years. We are proud to provide homeowners and businesses with excellent services. If you need any electrical work done in your home or business, please contact us.

How to Upgrade a Panel Box

panel upgrade los angelesOlder homes are not set up to have enough amperage to manage all the elements in the home. The panels in older homes only have around 60 amps, while today’s panels have 200 amps or more. The electrical demands of an older home can cause the panel to trip frequently. If this is the case, it might be time to upgrade your panel. It’s important to understand that this job should not be taken on by someone who doesn’t know much about electrical systems. A professional electrician should be used in every panel upgrade.

The first step to upgrading your panel is to get the correct permissions. Before you dig into your circuit breaker panel, you need to check with your local building and safety. You will need to obtain a permit to start working on your electrical box. If you do not get the proper clearance first, you may get in trouble later. Once the job is complete you may have to call an inspector out to make sure the job was done to code.

After you have the correct permissions, the next step is to open up the panel and take a look at what you have. Check out what breakers control the different parts of the home. The bathroom and kitchen should be fine to leave alone but the power to other areas of the home may need to be assessed. Here is were a multimeter or voltmeter comes into play. Turn on all the power in your home and scan all the devices you are using. Take a look at the circuit load and compare it with the capacity. Doing this will help you see if it’s near the limit.

The next step is to install the panel. The most important step is to turn off all the electricity. This is vital as any electric going to the panel can cause great danger. Begin removing all the circuits from the panel and place them all to one side – you can scrap these all at a later time. Attach the new panel into the wall by screws and cut a small piece of insulation from the wires. Rewire the panel as it looked before and attach the circuit breakers to the panel.

The circuits that were overloaded or near to being overloaded should be divided into different parts now. Place the new circuit breakers into the new slots and locate the wires that need to be enlarged. Use these wires with the new breakers. Make sure that the neutral and grounded wires are placed securely before moving on.

Once you have completed the process, you should be up and running with a brand new panel. The tripping circuit breakers should be working fine now with the additional space for loads.

Please note that you should not complete this process unless you are sure you know what you are doing. A professional electrician is the best way to go if you are unsure.

The Electric Connection is proud to serve Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. We are professional electricians who specialize in new panel upgrades. If you think your panel needs to be upgraded, please contact us today.