Beverly Hills Electrician – Why Not Hiring a Licensed Electrician Can Be Dangerous

Despite the fact that our electrical systems are one of the most important and most dangerous components of our homes and businesses, most homeowners avoid calling an electrician, especially if they think that they can tackle an issue themselves. Furthermore, there are many handymen and other non-licensed workers who will readily take on many electrical tasks although they do not have the proper licensure. Though in some cases, this can work out fine, choosing to go the least expensive route when it comes to your electrical system can result in some serious issues and reduced home electrical safety.

Here are some of the things that can occur if your electrical work is done by anyone other than a licensed electrician in Beverly Hills:

  1. Electrical Fire – Even though your newly installed fixtures, light switches or electrical outlets may look completely safe and normal on the outside, serious issues could be lurking underneath the surface. Components installed by an inexperienced installer can result in electrical shorts and fires that could lead to some very extensive damage on your home.
  2. Legal Action – Licensed and insured electricians carry insurance in order to protect themselves from any work-related injuries that may occur during the course of a job. By choosing a non-licensed installer, you place all of that liability on yourself.
  3. Lost Money – One of the easiest negative outcomes to handle is the simple loss of money. Either the person that you hire is unable to do the job completely, or they end up doing a job that needs fixed by a professional later on down the line.

Whatever the outcome, hiring a non-professional to perform electrical work on your home can result in some very dangerous situations. Though it may cost more up front, working with The Electric Connection (Click Here) will save you the time and cost required to fix any improper work or damaged caused by an unlicensed electrician.

Electrician Pasadena – How to Know When You Need an Electrician

Though there are a variety of different electrical tasks that a handy homeowner can tackle on their own, taking on a job that is too complex or difficult for you can be deadly. If you do not know exactly what you are doing, or if you have to work with the electrical wiring in your home, we highly recommend that you have a professional electrician in Pasadena do the job. If you familiarize yourself with some of the most common signs and symptoms of wiring problems and other electrical problems, you will know when it is time to give us a call.

The following are some of the most common signs of more serious electrical problems:

  • Breakers Trip Frequently – If your breakers trip or fuses blow often, it could be a signal to you that something is not working properly. You are either dealing with an overloaded circuit, or even more serious wiring issues. Either way, you should have your electrical system looked at as soon as possible to ensure its safety.
  • Hot Electrical Outlets – If you have an outlet that feels hot to the touch, unplug anything that is connected to it and do not use it anymore. This is a clear sign of overheating, which can be caused from wiring problems or an overloaded circuit. Call The Electric Connection immediately.
  • Exposed Wiring – Although you may think that this is common sense, it is typical to procrastinate even when it comes to exposed wiring. This should be treated very seriously, as it could result in electrical shocks, electrical fire or even death.

You should never procrastinate in having your electrical system inspected by a professional electrician Pasadena. This is because even small problems can result in huge dangers. Keep your home and family safe by knowing, recognizing and responding to these signs of wiring issues.

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Electrician in Glendale – Why Fuse and Circuit Breaker Size is Important

The frequency of accidents caused by the incorrect usage of electricity has increased as our dependency on electronic devices has increased over the last several years. Every year, accidental electrical fires cause millions of dollars in property damages. Because of this, you should always practice as much electrical safety as possible whenever you use your electrical appliances and devices. To make sure that your home is as safe as it can be from electrical accidents, you should also consider talking to an electrician in Glendale about performing an electrical safety assessment, updating service panels and ensuring that your home is properly grounded.

Can you use any size fuse or circuit breaker in your electrical panel?

Many older homes still utilize an outdated fuse box inside the service panel, instead of a safer and more modern breaker panel. If you still have a fuse box, then it is very likely that your electrical system is not prepared to take the amount of electricity that you use every day. This results in fuses blowing very frequently for many homeowners. Rather than replacing blown fuses with the appropriately sized replacements, some homeowners choose to oversize the fuse in order to reduce the frequency of blown fuses. This can be very dangerous, though not nearly as dangerous as replacing the fuse with something that cannot blow, such as a coin. Doing either of these should be avoided. Fuses are protective devices that are designed to stop electricity from flowing into a circuit whenever it reaches a level that is dangerous. Whenever you oversize or bypass a fuse, your circuit can overload. This can lead to overheating, fire and electrical shock.

One of the best ways to deal with an older fuse box is to have your electrical service upgraded by one of the technicians at The Electric Connection. We can send someone out to upgrade your service, and install the appropriately sized circuit breakers in your new electrical service panel. If you are experiencing any issues with your electrical panel, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today.

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Electrician in Pasadena – How to Use Your Electrical Panel

Your electrical panel serves as the entry point for the electricity being provided to your home from your electrical utility. It also functions as an electrical safety device that will turn off an electrical circuit if there is too much current. Excess levels of electricity can lead to fire or electrical shock. Although you can often tell which circuit is malfunctioning by looking at your breaker box, it can make things much easier if you take the time to label all of your circuits or fuses. This way, you know which switch goes to which area of your home, regardless of whether or not that particular breaker has visibly tripped.

Most newer homes use circuit breakers in order to protect the different areas of the house. Some older homes, however, may still have fuses. If your home still has a fusebox, consider calling a local Pasadena electrician to inspect your electrical system. This is often the sign of an undersized electrical service. If you have a breaker panel, just follow the below steps to restore power to the area of your home that has been affected.

Excess electrical current passing through a circuit will cause your circuit breaker to trip, effectively stopping the current from flowing anymore. When this happens, the switch will move to a neutral position, which is between the ON and the OFF position. To return power to this circuit, all that you have to do is flip the switch all the way to the OFF position and then back to the ON position. Before doing this, it is good practice to turn off or unplug all appliances in the circuit.

Now that the power is back on, you can continue to use your circuit as usual. If you have continuous issues, however, you should call our technicians at The Electric Connection for assistance. We are always more than happy to lend a helping hand. You can also get more information through our website at

Beverly Hills Electrician – Maintaining Your Home’s Electrical Wiring

Thousands of homes each year catch on fire as a result of faulty electrical wiring. A study from the National Fire Protection Association showed that an average of 22,000 home fires between the years of 2003 and 20007 were a result of wiring and related equipment or lighting equipment. These fires resulted in over $700 million in direct damages, 350 deaths and 880 injuries. 72% of these fires were caused by an electrical malfunction or failure of some sort. You can prevent most home fires by making sure that your electrical wiring is properly maintained.

Most electrical fires in the home do not happen because homeowners are careless with their home maintenance on purpose. In fact, most homeowners are as responsible as they know how to be. They just do not have as much information as they should have about electrical wiring safety. Not all homeowners, for example, realize how important it is to keep their homes free of pests.

Even though the connections in your electrical system may be perfectly installed by an electrician in Beverly Hills, insects, rats, mice and other pests could be tearing apart your electrical system if allowed to get out of control. This can greatly increase your risk of fire in your home, because it only takes one frayed wire to create a short that sparks something else to flame.

In order to prevent mishaps like these from happening, you should have your electrical system checked periodically for any safety issues. Although this may seem like a simple step to make, the average homeowner has not had their electrical system inspected in 20 years or more. Having The Electric Connection come inspect your home could end up saving you from a potentially devastating fire. To get in touch with us, or learn more about electrical safety, head on over to our website at

Electrician Pasadena – What Should You Do If There’s an Electrical Fire?

Although most electrical fires start very small, they can quickly spread into almost unmanageable proportions. This is especially true if the fire starts behind your walls. This can lead to a fire becoming very large before you even realize that it is there. Your best protection against an electrical fire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. If you must deal with one, however, you should always be prepared to take the proper course of action. Whenever faced with an electrical fire, your own personal safety is the number one priority. If the fire is too large for you to contain, or is growing too quickly, evacuate everyone out of the home immediately until a fire crew can make the area safe again.

If you are in a position to control the fire, start by shutting off all power to your building. Simply go to the electrical panel and shut off the main breaker until the fire is under control. If you do not already know where this is, find its location and make sure that it is never blocked or obstructed. Once the power has been shut off, you can attempt to smother the fire with a Class C fire extinguisher or baking soda. Do not ever throw water on an electrical fire. Water conducts electricity, which can result in you or someone else becoming electrocuted. Whenever the fire has been controlled, do not turn your electricity on until an electrician in Pasadena has inspected your wiring for safety. The last thing that you want is for a second fire to occur in the same place.

When it comes to using electricity in your home and businesses, your safety is more important than any other factor. Learn how to use your electrical system safely so that you can avoid any electrical fires, shocks or other mishaps. For more tips and information on fire safety and services, visit The Electric Connection website at

Ask an Electrician Glendale – What Is a Live Wire?

Any wire that is referred to as “live” or “hot” is one that is carrying electrical current. If you come into contact with a live wire, it can result in electrical shock, because the body will function as a ground and the electricity will flow across the path of least resistance (your body) to reach the ground. If there are exposed electrical wires near you, whether in your home our outdoors, you must exercise caution. Always assume that any downed electrical wire is live.

Live wires in your home are normally color coded, according to the region that you live in. This means that the live wire in your electrical system could be black, brown or red. This lets you know that the wire that you are looking at could possibly be energized with electrical current. In your home, this live line is always balanced out with a “neutral” wire. The electricity will enter your appliance from the live wire and exit through the neutral wire.

Because of the way that electricity flows through a circuit, it is important to remember that both live and neutral wires can be energized with electrical current. In order to increase the safety of many appliances, it is common for an electrician in Glendale to install a polarized outlet, where one hole in the socket is larger than the other. These holes correspond to properly sized prongs in your power cords to ensure that you are providing live power to the correct part of the circuit. To further improve safety, some outlets also include a ground connection, giving any excess electricity a safe path from your electrical system into the ground. This connection can greatly lower your risk of electrical shock.

If you have any questions about grounded electrical systems, live wires or any other electrical issues, head on over to our website at Electric Connection is always more than happy to help.

Electrician Beverly Hills – What Is The National Electric Code?

The national electric code was designed and implemented to create a national standard for electrical wiring, equipment and related practices. This document creates a basic set of guidelines that must be followed by electrical contractors to make sure that electrical systems are safe, secure and standardized nationwide. This allows your electrician in Beverly Hills to work on nearly any electrical system in the country without having to learn new techniques and technologies. When it comes to troubleshooting, maintenance and general care, having this set of standard rules makes an electrician’s job much easier and safer.

The National Electric Code that is used in the United States was first published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Although the code is not mandated on a federal level, most state and local authorities require that it be followed in all electrical installations.  Every three years, the NFPA publishes a revision of this document in order for it to remain current with modern information and changing field practices. Within the document, you can find recommendations and guidelines for everything ranging from installing bedroom outlets, to properly positioning an electrical transformer. The National Electric Code strives to give detailed guidelines for any wiring task that you can imagine.

Electrical safety is by far the top priority of the NFPA in publishing and maintaining the National Electric Code. It is for this reason that so many local officials choose to mandate this code by law, thereby keeping the residents in their region safe and reducing their liability in regards to electrical wiring issues. By adhering to these standards, The Electric Connection and any other electrician Beverly Hills can safely and efficiently install, repair and maintain the electrical systems in their area to ensure that power is provided in a consistent, safe and standardized manner. To learn more about the different types of electrical tasks that we do, Click here to visit our website.

Los Angeles Electrician – A Few Reasons You Should Call an Electrician

Keeping your home and family safe is a high priority for every homeowner. One of the best, yet often neglected ways to ensure their safety is to make sure that all of your home’s electrical components are in safe and good working order. When it comes to electricity, being safe is always far better than being sorry. Rather than worrying about loose wires, short circuits and other potentially dangerous situations, work with an electrician in Los Angeles to make sure that your home is as safe as it possibly can be.

Attempting to solve electrical problems on your own can not only put you in immediate danger, but can also make the problems worse than they were to start with. While it is perfectly fine to replace light bulbs, flip breakers back on and perform other similar simple tasks by yourself, tackling anything that has to do with wiring or the other electrical components in your home should be left to the professionals.

If you have a breaker or breakers that trip frequently, then it is time to call a Los Angeles electrician. This can be a sign that you may have malfunctioning appliances, or an overloaded circuit. This might mean that you need to address a problem with a particular appliance, or your electrical service in general. In some case, a small panel upgrade can add additional circuits to your home, allowing you to more evenly spread the load.

Regardless of whether you are faced with an electrical issue or if you need to have electrical components such as a whole house surge protector installed, your safety and the integrity of your home depend on the skills and experience that only a licensed, professional electrician has. For any questions, or to talk about your electrical jobs and problems, give us a call today at The Electric Connection. We’ll look forward to hearing from you.

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Beverly Hills Electrician – The Importance of Home Electrical Safety

Your electrical supply is one of the most important components of your home. Because it is used so frequently, we often take a properly functioning, safe and consistent electrical supply for granted. Because it has become such and integral and normal part of our everyday lives, it is easy to forget how powerful and potentially dangerous electricity can be. By knowing the basic rules of safe and effective use of electricity, you can greatly reduce that chance that you or a family member will be injured as a result of improper electrical usage.

When it comes to ensuring the electrical safety of your home, there are many things that you can do without the help of an electrician in Beverly Hills. Your number one goal is to reduce or eliminate any electrical safety hazards in your home. Be smart when using any electrical device. This includes extension cords, light bulbs, hair dryers and anything else. It only takes one mishap to cause some serious damage.

Here are a few tips:

  • Unplug It – Whenever you are not using a device or appliance, unplug it and safely stow the wire. This will remove it from your electrical system, while also eliminating any standby power draining that the device was guilty of.
  • Ventilate – Many of your devices generate a certain amount of heat, and require adequate ventilation space. This includes televisions, computers, ovens, microwaves and many others.
  • Follow Instructions – If your device has special instructions in regards to usage and placement, follow them!
  • No Extension Cords – Extension cords, when used as a permanent power solution, can become very dangerous hazards. Have your Beverly Hills electrician install a more convenient outlet instead.

Keeping your home and its electrical system safe is one of the most important things that you can do as a homeowner. To address any specific safety issues, feel free to call The Electric Connection at any time. Your safety is one of our top concerns.

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