When the Lights Won’t Turn On, Pasadena Electrician Can Help

electricon5_4-16Sometimes, life is funny and throws you a little curve ball now and again. One of the things we have come to rely on in life is electricity. When it doesn’t work as expected or it doesn’t work at all, it can be extremely frustrating. You want electricity when you want it and not after you have had to flip breakers, unplug things and wiggle wires. It is actually very dangerous to mess with switches, outlets and appliances that are not working as they should. It is best to leave it up to a professional electrician in Pasadena to handle any kind of electrical problems. The crew at The Electric Connection can get your home’s electrical fixed and working properly again.

It is important you recognize the signs of an electrical problem that can lead to something as dangerous as an electrical fire that threatens the safety of the home’s residents. Your Pasadena electrician wants you to watch out for the following;

*A popping or snapping sound coming from an outlet or light switch
*A smell of burning wires
*A small shock when you flip a switch or attempt to plug something in
*Black streaks shooting up the wall above a switch or outlet
*The outlet or switch doesn’t always work or doesn’t work at all
*The breaker feeding the switch or outlet trips often
*The switchplate, outlet or wall around the area feels warm or hot to the touch

These are all signs you have a problem that needs some attention from an electrician. Pasadena homeowners should call at the first sign of any of these problems and avoid using the outlet or switch until it can be looked at. If you can shut off the breaker that feeds the problematic switches and outlets, it would be safer. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical repair.

Revamping the Outdoors with an Electrician in Burbank

electricon3_4-16With the spring weather upon us, it is time to get outside and really enjoy the outdoors. Although it stays lighter longer, the evenings are still warm and beckoning, even though it is a bit dark. For early birds, getting up with the sun is exciting and invigorating. This is the time they like to go out and get the paper, water the blooming flowers or just sit outside and enjoy the sounds of nature when they are not masked by the hustle and bustle of life. If you have been out and about in the early mornings or late at night, you have probably noticed your outdoor lighting. Is it looking a little boring or maybe just a little too dark? An electrician in Burbank, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you revamp the outdoor lighting and make your yard much more inviting and safe.

When you step out your front door, you want to be able to see around the yard and if your car is in the driveway, being able to get a good clear view. This can be achieved with new lighting installed by your electrician. Burbank homeowners will appreciate the safety that comes with adequate and attractive lighting around these areas.

In the backyard or on your porch or patio, you will want enough light to read the morning paper, do a crossword or to talk with someone while looking at their face. It also allows you to see where you are going and whether or not the chairs are wet with dew. A little lighting installed by a Burbank electrician can completely change the way a space looks and feels. You will be inclined to spend more time outdoors when you know you can see clearly. Give The Electric Connection a call today and see what changes and upgrades you can make to your outdoor lighting.

Home Safety Additions by Los Angeles Electrician

electricon1_3-16When you walk in the door of your home at night, you expect to be relatively safe. You expect the home to be constructed well and to protect you from the elements. Your home keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It is where you spend time with your family and feel the most comfortable. That is the idea at least. Unfortunately, there are often hidden dangers in the home that need to be addressed. It only takes a few changes to make your home a little safer. These are things your Los Angeles electrician can help you with. The team at The Electric Connection has a trained staff of electricians ready to help you make your home a little safer for you and your family.

Installing GFCI Outlets

These are standard features in recent construction, but older homes were not equipped with GFCI outlets explains an electrician in Los Angeles. These outlets are specially designed to be used around areas where water is at, like the bathroom and kitchen areas. The outlets will trip the breaker the second the flow of electricity is interrupted by water. This will prevent an electric shock.

Hard-Wired Smoke Detectors

These are an ideal option to the standard battery-powered smoke detectors. A hard-wired smoke detector will need to be installed by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will love the fact that the smoke alarms are wired directly into the home’s power and do not rely on batteries. If a fire breaks out and the smoke detector alerts, it will trigger the rest of the smoke detectors that have been hard-wired into the main power system.

These are two fairly simple, basic upgrades that can make your home a little safer for you and your family. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your outlet upgrades and smoke detector installation.

Updating Old Wiring with Santa Monica Electrician

electricon6_2-16Homes are built to last, there is no doubt about it, but sometimes, the little details in the home are not always quite so durable. Technology is constantly advancing and we are always learning new ways to build. Homes are built to be safer than they ever were in the past. Building codes and regulations are far more strict nowadays, which is a good thing. It means builders and contractors are being held to a higher standard. Older homes are still valuable and worthy of being taken care of and updated to meet today’s safety standards. An electrician in Santa Monica, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you make your old home a safe place to live.

Wiring that was put into houses more than 50 years ago wasn’t made to last. Cloth insulated wiring was regularly used in home building into the 1950s. The cloth has proven to be frail and decays over time. As it decays and falls away, it leaves the wires it once insulated bare. A Santa Monica electrician, along with a team of trained electricians, can replace all of the wiring in a home to make it safe again. It is an extensive process, but once the wiring has been updated, you can expect your homeowner’s insurance to be much lower.

If you are not sure what kind of electrical wiring you have in the home, you can call for an inspection by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners don’t have to guess about what is behind their walls. An inspection will tell you exactly what you are dealing with. There is a chance some of the wiring has already been updated. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical wiring inspection so you know what needs to be done to make your home safe.

Outside Lighting with Your Pasadena Electrician

electricon5_2-16Your landscaping is the first thing people see when they arrive at your house and the last thing they see when they leave. Lighting can make or break the way your house looks and feels. A dark, dreary house is going to look uninviting to some, but will look very inviting for those who will take advantage of the darkness. It is important you make your home inviting as well as safe with the installation of landscape and security lighting by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can rely on The Electric Connection to help them transform their home’s yard into one that is beautiful and safe.

There are plenty of options when it comes to lighting up your yard and landscaping. You can choose to go with nice and bright or low and subtle. Mounted security lights are an excellent option and can easily be installed by your Pasadena electrician. Many of these lights are equipped with motion sensors. As soon as you step outside or pull your car into the driveway, the area will be flooded with light. This means you won’t have to worry about fumbling in the dark while you look for a switch.

Pathway lights and lights that shine on a particularly special point of interest in the yard are also excellent options. These add a layer of safety as well as make it look a little nicer. Solar lights are easily placed, but your electrician in Pasadena will tell you electric lights are a little more reliable. They also stay bright throughout the night while many of the solar lights will fade and become dim by the wee hours of the morning. Electric lights give you full control and will last for years. Give The Electric Connection a call today and get your outdoor lighting installed before spring arrives.

When Light Fixtures Stop Working by Burbank Electrician

electricon3_2-16There is nothing more frustrating then flipping on the light to your room or the kitchen and it won’t come on. Maybe it flickers and pops before going out completely. It not only leaves you in the dark, but it makes you more than a little worried about the safety of your home. Electricity is no joke and you never know what is going on in the ceiling or behind the sheetrock where all of those electrical wires are sitting. It is a scary situation and deserves immediate attention from an electrician. Burbank homeowners who have a light fixture that is giving them fits can call The Electric Connection to get it looked at right away.

A faulty wire or a wire that has shorted out could be causing the problem. The light fixture may be fine, but it isn’t getting the electricity it needs to function. That means those wires that were once feeding electricity to the fixture are sitting behind the light, touching insulation. This is a recipe for disaster and can lead to an electrical fire. The situation must be attended to by an electrician in Burbank as quickly as possible. It is a good idea to flip the breaker that feeds the light to cut off the electricity while you wait for help to arrive.

Some fixtures are truly outdated and the wiring inside the fixture itself may be bad. This is difficult to tell just by looking. Your Burbank electrician will need to perform some quick tests to track down where the problem lies. Once the problem has been identified, you will be given your list of options to take care of it. In many cases, the fixture needs replaced or the wiring to the fixture needs to be fixed. Don’t put off calling an electrician if you have a fixture that is flickering or not working. Give The Electric Connection a call today.

Troubleshooting Electrical Problems with a Santa Monica Electrician

electriccon_6This is not the time of year to be dealing with electrical problems in the home. It can be a huge issue to have an outlet fail or a breaker constantly trip when you are trying to deck your halls. The problem can be a number of different things, but you won’t know for sure until you have an electrician in Santa Monica come out to take a look. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to any kind of electrical concerns. The team at The Electric Connection is ready to help you discover what the problem is and get it taken care of before it becomes a serious safety hazard.

If you are not a trained electrician, you are going to have to guess what the problem is. That is a risk you don’t want to take. What if that outlet that only works on occasion is actually not just a fluke and is the sign of a much bigger problem. It is a good idea to have a Santa Monica electrician inspect your home. During the inspection, the outlet will be tested and the cover removed to check for any loose wires. While it may be an easy fix, ignoring those loose wires could create a tiny spark that ignites the insulation packed around the outlet.

You are not expected to know all of the hazards or to know why your breaker is tripping. That is a job for an electrician. Santa Monica residents will feel better knowing their house has been given an electrical checkup. Problems will be identified and you will be given the option to take care of right away or wait until it is a little more convenient. Your electrician will let you know just how serious the problem is or whether it is something relatively minor. If you are concerned about an electrical problem in your home, give The Electric Connection a call and let one of their experienced electricians diagnose the problem for you.

Remodeling with Your Electrician in Burbank

electriccon_3Part of home ownership is the freedom to do as you choose with your home. Painting walls a wild color of orange or adding new carpet are all things homeowners do to make the home fit their personality. These are minor things that can be done on your own over a weekend or two if you like. Then there are those bigger changes homeowners are typically keen to make. Whether it is knocking out a closet to make a room bigger or adding additional square footage onto the house to accommodate a growing family, a home is constantly evolving. However, there are some jobs that require a little more expertise than your cousin’s friend. You need the help of an experienced electrician in Burbank if you are planning any major home remodels. The team at The Electric Connection are the ones to call when you are ready to change up the interior of your home with a remodel.

Adding an entire new room, transforming a basement or updating a kitchen are all common remodels families will do to make home life easier. These things also add value to the home and can be an investment for the future. To protect that investment, it is important you use a certified electrician. Burbank homeowners who try to cut corners by avoiding permits and hiring unlicensed electricians are putting themselves at a huge risk.

Remodels will almost always require new wiring, updating outlets and fixtures and a host of other electrical related job. The overall safety of the home must be considered. Stay safe, protect your investment and make the call to a trained, professional Burbank electrician. The job will be done right and you will feel better knowing the wiring is up to code and has passed inspection. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your remodel consultation.

Commercial Lighting Jobs by Electrician in Beverly Hills

Corporate restroom. Shot with Canon 30D and Canon 24-105L lens.
Corporate restroom. Shot with Canon 30D and Canon 24-105L lens.

One of the many aspects of owning a business includes the overall look of the building, inside and out. While bottom line profit numbers are a priority, you also must do what you can to ensure your business looks great and has plenty of lighting. Lighting also plays a huge role in the overall safety of your building for your customers as well as your employees. When you think about lighting, think about your electrician in Beverly Hills. At The Electric Connection, we understand the needs of your business and will ensure you get the best, most professional service team.

Your lighting needs indoors may not seem all that important until you see the results of newer fixtures. Your business can also save money by using more energy-efficient lighting systems, which of course adds to that bottom line. Whether you are revamping the area your customers see or redoing the employee work area, you are sure to get some great tips from your Beverly Hills electrician. Adding directed light in customer areas or brighter lights in employee work spaces will help the business overall. Dark, dingy spaces are unattractive and can actually strain an employee’s eyes as well as negatively impact their mood. You want happy employees, which will ensure you have happy customers.

Another area you may not pay a great deal of attention to is the restrooms. Believe it or not, many customers will judge a business based on the cleanliness and overall attractiveness of their bathrooms. This is an easy fix with the help of an electrician. Beverly Hills business owners can give their public restrooms a face lift by simply changing up and the light fixtures and brightening up the space. A bright bathroom looks cleaner and bigger. Do your business a favor and give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your lighting upgrade.

Christmas Tree Safety with Los Angeles Electrician

capThe holidays are a time of celebrating and spending time with family. They also tend to be a time when fires in the home increase due to improper use of lights and holiday décor. It is important you keep your home safe this season and follow proper lighting safety, especially when lighting up your tree. There are many people who prefer the traditional live Christmas tree. If you are one of those people, you need to take a few steps to ensure your holiday decoration does not become a fire hazard. An electrician in Los Angeles has some important safety guidelines to keep in mind when decorating your real tree this year. If you have any more questions, you can always call the team at The Electric Connection.

1-Keep your tree hydrated by ensuring there is plenty of water in the bowl. You may need to add one to two gallons a day when you first get it home.

2-Check your tree daily to determine if it is dry. Your Los Angeles electrician advises against lighting up a tree that is excessively dry. Brown needles or needles that fall to the ground when they are gently touched are a big indicator the tree is dry as tinder and the smallest heat source could spark a fire.

3-Extension cords are pretty common during the holiday season. You need extra outlets to light up the tree and any other décor you have set out. However, extension cords can be dangerous if they are not used correctly. Never overload a cord. If you are in need of additional outlets, call your electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will love the freedom a few extra wall outlets adds all year round.

4-Keep your tree away from heat sources like a space heater, woodstove or even the heater vent. The heat will dry out your tree much faster and can ultimately spark a fire. Do what you can to block the vent if you have to put your tree next to a vent.

Stay safe this season and give The Electric Connection a call if you need any new outlets installed to ease your holiday lighting.