Reduce Heating Costs with Los Angeles Electrician

bigstockphoto_radiator_721238Southern California residents are fortunate in the fact the winters are fairly mild, but you will need to run the heater from time to time. You can save a lot of money on heating costs by following these tips presented by your Los Angeles electrician. The team at The Electric Connection can help you get your home ready for what very well may be a very long, cold winter.

Keeping your house warm can be difficult if it isn’t properly insulated. Do your best to make sure your attic space is insulated. Another helpful tool to keeping in the air you pay to heat inside where you want it is by adding weather stripping around doors and windows. This will take care of those cold drafts that seep in around the spaces. The stripping includes sticky tape that is easily peeled off and stuck to the door and window jams. It is fairly inexpensive, but can save you a great deal of money on heating AND cooling costs. It won’t be visible and can also reduce the sound that comes through those small cracks.

Another option that is very helpful during the cooler months as well as the summer months is a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Los Angeles residents can help reduce heating costs with the installation of a ceiling fan. The fan blades will push the hot air that rises up to the ceiling back down into the living space. The hot air in the room will keep the thermostat from kicking the furnace on repeatedly. This is where the cost savings is. Your ceiling fan can also act as a light fixture in the room. Remote controls are an option if you have high ceilings. If you are ready to take the next step in fighting high heating bills, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Santa Monica

bigstockphoto_Electrical_Meter_1042644We can always find ways to save a few extra dollars, but sometimes it can be little difficult to pinpoint exactly where those savings are to be had. You may look at the budget over and over and still keep coming up with the same bottom line. An electrician in Santa Monica can help you discover a few ways you could cut your electric bill without dramatically changing your lifestyle. If you ever have any questions or concerns about these tips, you can call The Electric Connection to ask more questions.

1-Get rid of any of those remaining incandescent light bulbs. They are costing you money. You can shave 20 percent off your electric bill simply by relying on CFL and LED bulbs that are much more energy efficient. They tend to be a bit brighter as well.

2-Have a ceiling fan installed in a central room of your house. This will help circulate hot and cold air produced by your furnace or air conditioner. Ceiling fans run on a fraction of the electricity of a heating or air conditioning unit. It is a good idea to have the fan installed by someone familiar with Santa Monica electrical codes.

3-Ask every member of the household to shave off 2 minutes from their average shower time. This can save a lot of money on your electric bill by reducing the demand put on the hot water heater. You could also turn down the thermostat of the water heater by about 5 to 10 degrees and save even more money.

4-Unplug any appliances, computers and electronics when they are not in use. When you leave for the day or go to bed at night, unplugging your electronics can save you money on wasted phantom power.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to have your ceiling fan installed or to learn more about energy savings.

Small Jobs for Electrician in Burbank

bigstockphoto_Electrician_Industrial_Panel_2009627As we prepare for fall and eventually winter, there are probably plenty of jobs you need to get done in the house. We often focus a lot of our time and energy on the outdoors during the spring and summer months and the indoors gets neglected. The following tasks are some things you will want to take care of with the help of an electrician in Burbank. The team at The Electric Connection will make sure your tasks are taken care quickly and professionally.


Ground fault control interrupters are excellent safety features to add to your kitchen and bathroom areas. The outlets prevent against electric shock when an appliance comes into contact with water. The second the circuit is interrupted by contact with water, the electricity to the circuit is automatically cut off. This can prevent the person holding the appliance from being shocked.

Smoke Detectors

The standard smoke detector you have in your home may not be quite as safe as you would think. These battery powered smoke detectors must have fresh batteries in order to work properly. There is also the risk of not hearing a smoke detector down the hall or in another room. Hard-wired smoke detectors are a better option. They are wired directly into your home’s main power and are interconnected. When one alarm is sounded, all the alarms will go off. This can add several minutes to your escape time.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are an excellent way to circulate warm air in the winter and cool air in the summer. There is some minor Burbank electrical work involved that can be taken care of by an experienced electrician. Ceiling fans are energy efficient and can save you money on your electric bill.

If you would like some help taking care of these small, but necessary upgrades around your home, give The Electric Connection a call today.

New Home Construction with Beverly Hills Electrician

bigstockphoto_Casual_Construction_Worker_1683157Building a home is a great way to ensure you are getting exactly what you want out of your house. It really makes you feel as if you have been a part of the process from the ground up. It gives you the chance to create a home that suits your needs and reflects your personality. Many homeowners have discovered it is often much more economical to build a home than buy a home that needs various remodels and adjustments. It also makes it possible to buy the perfect home in the neighborhood you have had your eye on. To build your new home, you will need a Beverly Hills electrician like those at The Electric Connection.

When you build your own home, you will get to decide the number of rooms you have as well as bathrooms. Another major benefit to building your home is the thrill of designing your kitchen to work from you. Every person will have different desires and needs when they are in the kitchen. Some people need numerous outlets to run several appliances. Large families may need more than one microwave to keep the family going. All of these things require the expertise of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners who want to add more outlets than the standard 4 or 5 in the kitchen, can discuss their needs with the electrician. The electrician will go about wiring the outlets and ensuring the breaker can run all of the outlets without becoming overloaded.

Your electrician will also take care of installing ceiling fans, installing light fixtures and running any data and phone lines for you during the building phase. This can save you a lot of time by getting it done during the building process instead of waiting until after the walls are up. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new home construction consultation.

Top Electricity Users in Your House Explains Pasadena Electrician

If you are looking at your electricity bill and trying to determine where your money is going you need to know what appliances are using the most electricity. This will help you make better decisions about where to cut back in your home to truly make a difference on your electric bill. A Pasadena electrician has a list of the top 10 energy users in your home. If you would like to learn more about buying energy efficient appliances or other ways to save on your electric bill, give The Electric Connection a call today.

1-The biggest electricity user in your house is your air conditioning. With the height of summer just around the corner, it is time to start thinking of better, more energy efficient ways to cool your home. You can have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can still stay cool without relying solely on the air conditioner.

2-Your refrigerator is next on the list. While you can’t really do without a refrigerator, you can invest in one that is more energy efficient than your existing one.

3-Space heaters, if you use them, are also big electricity users. Consider investing in an infrared heater.

4-Water heaters use a lot of electricity. You can reduce the need for the heater to constantly heat the water by ensuring it is insulated. Reduce the temperature on your water heater a few degrees as well.

5-Lighting is your next issue to tackle. You can save money on lighting by switching to LEDs and CFLs. Making sure lights are off when nobody is in the room and installing dimmer switches are also helpful.

These are just a few things you can do to reduce your electric bill. Making a few changes today can start saving you money on your next electric bill. Give The Electric Connection a call today to schedule your ceiling fan installation.

5 Quick Tips to Save on Electric Bill by Pasadena Electrician

It is that time again—electric bills are on the rise. You can chalk this up to a number of different causes, but the fact is, electricity is getting more expensive. You can’t do much about controlling the rates, but you can do your part to reduce how much electricity you use and ultimately reduce your monthly electric bill. A Pasadena electrician wants to help you do just that and has some tips for you to implement in your home so you can save a few extra dollars. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any questions you may have about electric savings.

1-It is important you make a real effort to turn off lights and electronics whenever they are not in use. Turning off the appliances is not always enough. You need to unplug your electronics as well to reduce phantom power.

2-Take the time to replace any of your old incandescent light bulbs with the newer, much more energy-efficient CFLs. This can ultimately save you a quick $20 or thereabouts on your monthly electric bill. Don’t put off replacing those old bulbs.

3-Switch your dishwasher setting to air dry. Only wash full loads to conserve energy.

4-Air dry your clothes whenever possible to cut down on your electric bill. Only wash full loads of clothes and if you must use your dryer, only dry full loads.

5-Consider having a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can take advantage of the cost savings ceiling fans provide on both the heating and cooling bills of a home. Fans can be placed throughout the home to circulate air while keeping the home at a comfortable temperature.

This is just a very small sampling of the energy savings tips you can put to use for you. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your ceiling fan installation.

6 Simple Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Glendale

Doesn’t it always feel like no matter how well you budget and save, you are always looking in your bank account for just a few extra dollars? Maybe you have already buttoned down your spending and can’t really find any other places in the budget where you can cut back. An electrician in Glendale is here to provide you with some tips that can help lighten the burden of your electric bill. We all know every little bit helps. You can always count on The Electric Connection to answer any questions you may have about energy savings.

1-If you haven’t already done it, get rid of those incandescent light bulbs and replace them with CFLs. You could easily save $15 to $20 a month (possibly more) on lighting costs.

2-Turn down your water heater a couple of degrees. There is really no reason to have scalding hot water coming out of the tap. You can save a few dollars by not making your water heater work overtime heating water to a temperature you will not be able to use it at.

3-Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will soon realize the energy savings the fans provide in the winter and the summer.

4-Invest in heavy curtains to block out the heat of the sun in the summer and the cold draft in the winter. This will help cut down on your heating and cooling costs.

5-Skip the drying cycle on the dishwasher and let the dishes air dry or use a towel to dry them by hand.

6-Consider using a clothesline in the summer to dry your laundry. You can also use a drying rack inside the home to cut down on the need for the dryer.

These are just a few things you can do to help reduce your electricity bill. There are plenty of other ways you can save. Give The Electric Connection a call today to learn more.

3 Tips to Save Money on Heating Costs Provided by Pasadena Electrician

After going so long without using the heater, it can cause quite a bit of a surprise when you get that first electric bill this winter. There are some things you can do to lessen the burden of winter heating bills. Your Pasadena electrician has some tips you can use to keep the electric bill at a manageable rate. For more tips and advice, you can call The Electric Connection.

1-One of the most important issues that many people tend to overlook with their furnace is the upkeep and maintenance. It is crucial your furnace is in good working order. Clean filters and ducts will ensure your furnace is not working overtime to try and keep the house warm.

2-Use a ceiling fan to help keep the warm air in the living space instead of close to the ceiling. Hot air rises and without a fan to push it down, you are wasting a lot of money heating the ceiling. If you don’t have one, you can call an electrician. Pasadena residents will feel the difference a ceiling fan can make when the warm air circulates the room rather than hovering near the top.

3-Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the heat in your home throughout the day. Set if for one temperature, 72 degrees is typically adequate for the home. Do not go above 76. At night, you can get away with lowering the thermostat a couple of degrees because you will be under blankets. Set the thermostat to about 68 degrees when you are going to be gone for the day. Avoid turning the thermostat up and down throughout the day. These three things can save you a great deal of money this winter.

You won’t be forced to freeze in your own home because you are trying to save a few dollars if you follow these tips. For more information, give The Electric Connection a call.

Call a Glendale Electrician When In Doubt

There are times when you look at a problem and consider whether it is something minor that you can take care of without spending a lot of cash on hiring a professional or whether you need to leave it alone and call somebody that knows. You could compare it to putting out a fire in the kitchen with a fire extinguisher or calling the fire department. There are some pretty serious risks involved when you try and take care of a situation that you have no knowledge of. This is especially true when dealing with electrical problems. When in doubt, always call a Glendale electrician if you are not sure whether your electrical problem is a quick fix or a more serious problem. The Electric Connection has a team of qualified electricians who can help you with any electrical problem in your home.

When it comes to dealing with electricity, there are just too many things that can go wrong if you don’t know what you are doing. Although you may not notice anything immediately, wires that are not connected right could turn into a festering problem that will eventually start a fire. The following are some indicators you need an electrician. Glendale residents will definitely rather be safe than sorry.

*Any burning smell or crackling noise coming from an outlet

*Lights that flicker or bulbs seem to need replacing often

*Breakers that seem to trip often or for no apparent reason

*Replacing or installing new outlets, light fixtures or ceiling fans

*Upgrading an electric panel

*Installing outdoor electrical equipment like hot tubs or security lighting

These are just a few reasons you will want to give an electrician a call. While it sometimes seems like it would be cheaper to take care of these things yourself or do your own troubleshooting, in the long run, it is always best to let a professional handle electrical jobs. Give The Electric Connection a call today and make an appointment to have your job handled.

Chandelier Installation Made Easy with Electrician in Beverly Hills

Have you been eyeing that gorgeous chandelier at your favorite lighting store for a while now? If you have been dreaming of transforming a boring entrance way or a drab dining room into something that you can be proud of, the time is now to buy that chandelier. Lighting can make such a huge difference in a room. It transforms it from drab and boring to spectacular and gorgeous. You will need an electrician to take of your Beverly Hills electrical needs like those at The Electric Connection.

While you can certainly buy the chandelier of your dreams without any help, you will definitely need an experienced electrician to complete the installation process. You don’t want your dream of a gorgeous chandelier to go up in smoke, literally, by not having the fixture installed correctly. An electrician in Beverly Hills will need to determine what will need to be done to get the new light fixture installed where you want it.

In many cases, an existing fixture will already be in place and the electrician will be able to use the existing wiring. However, if you would like the chandelier hung in a place that does not have an existing light or ceiling fan fixture, there will be a little extra work involved. The electrician will need to create a a wiring harness, which is simple enough but should only be handled by somebody who knows how to safely work with electricity.

Along with hanging the chandelier, you will likely want to have a dimmer switch installed to allow you to control the strength of the light emitted from the bulbs. This is another fairly simple task for your electrician. If you are ready to transform your home with a new chandelier or some other exciting lighting fixture, give The Electric Connection a call today.