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Quick Facts about Smoke Alarms by Glendale Electrician - You have probably become so used to smoke alarms you rarely even notice they are in a room. That means you don’t notice when they are not around either. Or if they are working properly or placed in an appropriate place. Smoke alarms are one of those things that we ignore until we burn toast […]
Identifying Potentially Hazardous Electrical Panels with a Glendale Electrician - When you bought your home, one of the things you probably didn’t even look at was the electric panel. If the lights work and the appliances in the home work, there doesn’t really seem to be any point in looking at the panel. Plus, how would you know what you were looking at? If you […]
Glendale Electrician – Why Copper Wires? - Whether you know it or not, copper wires are the most commonly used type of wires in our home electrical systems. Why is it that your electrician in Glendale and any electrical utility company values the use of this type of wiring over all of the other technologies available? The simplest answer is that copper […]