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Is Your Electric Meter Spinning? Glendale Electrician Provides Energy Savings Tips - You know that little meter outside your home that is fairly unattractive and unnoticeable until you hear it making a scary sound. The sound is the little dial spinning around and around. That dial spinning represents your money flying out the door. The dial is measuring the amount of electricity you are using in your […]
Glendale Electrician – Why Copper Wires? - Whether you know it or not, copper wires are the most commonly used type of wires in our home electrical systems. Why is it that your electrician in Glendale and any electrical utility company values the use of this type of wiring over all of the other technologies available? The simplest answer is that copper […]
Building Your First Home with a Glendale Electrician - First time home buyers are going to be extremely excited about the prospect of owning a home. It gives you the freedom to do as you wish with the interior and the satisfaction of actually owning something. It is the American dream and young people especially look forward to the day they get the keys […]