Replacing Dangerous Wiring by Glendale Electrician

One of the biggest fears a homeowner can have is the thought of losing their house to a fire. Home fires are far too common. All it takes is a small mistake or a little accident to create a horribly devastating fire that destroys all of the world possessions a family owns. One of the leading causes of a home fire can be blamed on faulty wiring. This is generally through no fault of the homeowner. There are nearly 375,000 house fires each year. There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of your home catching fire explains an electrician in Glendale. You can count on The Electric Connection team to provide you with more information related to electrical fires.

1. More than half of the fires in homes is caused by cooking. Be extra careful when using grease and always ensure the stove and oven are off when you go to bed or leave the house. Be attentive anytime you are cooking.
2. Heating is the second leading cause. If using a woodstove or fireplace, ensure it is properly cleaned and maintained.
3. Electric wiring that is old should be inspected by a Glendale electrician. Cloth-insulated wiring is outdated and unsafe and should be replaced.
4. Have a whole home electrical safety inspection completed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will get a detailed report of potential hazards as well as things that absolutely should be addressed right away to prevent an accident.
5. Have working smoke detectors in every room. Consider hard-wired smoke detectors as well that are more effective at alerting the entire home to a fire.

Due diligence and being a little more attentive can help prevent fires in the home. If you would like an inspection of your wiring or need a quote for electrical repairs needed to make your home safer, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Signs and Symptoms of Damaged Wiring by Glendale Electrician

It can be difficult for a person who is absolutely unfamiliar with electrical wiring and all of the components that go with it to understand when something is wrong. Wiring is hidden away behind fixtures and walls so it isn’t like you can see any problems. You have to depend on some other basic warning signs and symptoms to help you determine whether or not you have a problem. Because electricity can be extremely dangerous, you should never try to fix the problem yourself. You will want to call an electrician. Glendale homeowners can count on the trained and certified team at The Electric Connection to handle any electrical problems—big or small.

Some of the most common signs of an electrical problem are as follow;

*An outlet only works some of the time
*An outlet is loose and wiggles around when plugging in or removing a plug
*There are black streaks up the wall behind the outlet or switch
*The outlet is hot to the touch
*You smell burning wires—this is a unique smell that is hard to miss explains a Glendale electrician
*Lights flicker with no apparent reason
*A light won’t work—even with a new bulb
*Melted wires in a breaker panel
*Getting a small shock when using an appliance that is plugged in or a shock when pulling or pushing in a plug
*Black marks around the holes in the outlet

These are the most obvious signs you will notice. If you have noticed or suspect any of these symptoms are the tip of a bigger problem, call your electrician in Glendale. When possible, shut off the breaker to the potential problem outlet or fixture. Do not use until it can be thoroughly inspected and cleared to use. Give The Electric Connection a call today to take a look at any electrical concerns in your home.

Checking the Wiring by Los Angeles Electrician

Do you ever like to feel safe and secure while you are at home with your family? Of course, you do! Your home is where you should feel the safest. When you leave your home, you want to feel relatively comfortable knowing everything inside is safe as well. Everything you own is in there along with precious family treasures that can never be replaced. Taking precautions like locking your doors and windows and maybe using a security system are typical for giving you that safety you are looking for. However, an electrician in Los Angeles suggests you make sure your home is not in jeopardy from some hidden danger lurking out of sight. The electrical wiring in your home needs to be inspected and the team at The Electric Connection has a staff of certified electricians who can do that for you.

It is important your home has regular checkups. Identifying a problem before it can lead to disaster can save you a great deal of money as well as the hassle of dealing with an electrical fire. There are many new safety features that have become the standard when it comes to wiring new houses. It would be a great idea for you to have some of these features added to your own home by a Los Angeles electrician. Adding minor upgrades like GFCI outlets or replacing an old outdated electric panel is one way to make your home safer.

Old homes are lovely. The architecture and character is undeniable. In some cases, the home may have been in the family for several generations. The key is to keeping that treasure in great shape by having it gone through by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will feel safer and more comfortable knowing their home’s electrical wiring is in good shape and doesn’t pose any major risks. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your wiring inspection.

New Wiring a Job for Electrician in Beverly Hills

Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items

Shopping for new light fixtures, ceiling fans or even new outdoor landscaping lights is exciting. It is fun to update your home and make it just a little more attractive. In some cases, the new fixtures are a necessity. No matter what the situation is, it is absolutely critical that you only allow a licensed electrician in Beverly Hills to take care of the new installation of electrical fixtures. The team at The Electric Connection has the right person for the job.

Installing new electric fixtures in your home can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. For your safety and the ultimate safety of your home, a Beverly Hills electrician should take of the job for you. This allows the professional to inspect the existing wiring and identify any issues that should be taken care of before progressing further with the job. It also ensures the new fixture is safe to use and will not pose an electrical hazard. A job completed by a professional is always going to look better than a DIY by someone who isn’t truly familiar with the project. This is your home after all, doesn’t it deserve the best?

There are far too many things that can go terribly wrong when an inexperienced person tries to do the job of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners that try to do the job themselves or hire a fly-by-night handyman are risking their homeowners’ insurance should something do go wrong. Using an company that is licensed and bonded is going to protect you and your interests. While it may be tempting to try to complete the task on your own, only allow a professional to touch your electrical wiring. You can count on the professionals at The Electric Connection to get your job completed safely.

Replacing Outdated Wiring with Beverly Hills Electrician

Old houses have a certain charm that appeals to home buyers. The idea of living in a piece of history is exciting. You get to appreciate some very fine craftsmanship. Maybe the house is one you have purchased or maybe it has been in the family for generations. No matter what the case may be, there are going to be a few things you will want to bring up to the new codes and standards set forth for home construction. Back in the day, our grandparents didn’t have even half of the electric appliances we have today. A Beverly Hills electrician can help you maintain the look and original craftsmanship of the home while making it a little safer. The team at The Electric Connection can help you modernize the electrical wiring in your hold home.

It isn’t only for convenience sake that you will want to consider upgrading your electric panel and adding additional outlets. It is a safety concern explains an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners that live in homes that are more than 50 years old need to think about the outdated wiring that could be a very serious fire risk. The wiring back then was often insulated with cloth, which is extremely dangerous. The cloth disintegrates, leaving the wires bare. All it takes is one little touch of a bare wire to ignite a fire.

Breaker panels that are outdated can also be problematic. Breakers that trip are indications of a major problem that needs the attention of a qualified electrician in Beverly Hills. You can still maintain the charm and the old style of the home and its features while having the electrical wiring replaced. It is an investment that ensures the old home will be around for years to come. Give The Electric Connection a call today and get your wiring inspection completed.

Dangers of One Bad Wire Explains Pasadena Electrician

We always like to minimize things in our lives to make them just a little easier to deal with. It is easy to think it is something minor and isn’t really a big deal. Out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately, it isn’t such a good idea when you are dealing with something as serious as bad wiring. It doesn’t even have to be bad wiring, but a loose wire in a single outlet can cause a serious problem. If you have an outlet that isn’t working all the time, it is serious. You need to call an electrician in Pasadena, like those at The Electric Connection.

You probably can’t tell by looking at an outlet that something is wrong behind it. There are some clues that will help alert you to a potential problem. If the outlet doesn’t work all the time, it is a sign of trouble. If you feel the wall around the outlet and it is hot, unplug whatever is in the outlet. You have a major fire hazard. Another clue, says a Pasadena electrician, is sparking or a jolt when you plug things in or unplug. If this happens, don’t use the outlet. If you can, turn off the breaker to the outlet until you can get it looked at. Black marks around the holes or shooting up the wall are definite warning signs.

Outlets are at a high risk for having loose wiring just because of the usage. Every time you plug and unplug something, you are jarring the wires behind the outlet. Yanking plugs out is definitely not a good idea says an electrician. Pasadena homeowners who suspect there is any kind of problem need to act fast. Wires that are touching will eventually start a fire. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your wiring inspection to identify any serious problems.

Getting a Wiring Inspection by an Electrician in Beverly Hills

electriccon_08_2Home ownership comes with a great deal of responsibility. There is a lot of upkeep that goes into keeping a house operating as it should and of course, the cosmetic appearance of the home is also a lot of work. When you buy a house, you expect to have some repairs. Those repairs may be very minimal and more to make the house a little more functional or they can be much more extensive and costly. You may have bought a home that had electrical problems you weren’t aware of or maybe you have lived in the home for some time and have recently come to realize you have an electrical issue. If you suspect there is something not quite right with the electrical wiring in your house, you need to call a Beverly Hills electrician like those at The Electric Connection.

House fires caused by faulty wiring are far too common. They happen at any time of the day or night and can be absolutely devastating. Prevention is truly the only real way of fixing an electrical wiring hazard. It isn’t always easy to see a problem, especially if it is behind the walls and covered by insulation. This is why you need an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners who have a sneaky suspicion there is an issue shouldn’t put it off. Call and have a wiring inspection right away. They are inexpensive and well worth the cost to find a problem and have it fixed before it becomes a huge problem that puts the lives of the family at risk.

You don’t have to wait to experience an electrical issue to have a wiring inspection. Give yourself peace of mind by have an electrician in Beverly Hills check things out. You will be informed of any potential issues. If it is all clear, you will sleep better at night knowing it is safe. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical inspection.

Updating Old Wiring with Santa Monica Electrician

electricon6_2-16Homes are built to last, there is no doubt about it, but sometimes, the little details in the home are not always quite so durable. Technology is constantly advancing and we are always learning new ways to build. Homes are built to be safer than they ever were in the past. Building codes and regulations are far more strict nowadays, which is a good thing. It means builders and contractors are being held to a higher standard. Older homes are still valuable and worthy of being taken care of and updated to meet today’s safety standards. An electrician in Santa Monica, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you make your old home a safe place to live.

Wiring that was put into houses more than 50 years ago wasn’t made to last. Cloth insulated wiring was regularly used in home building into the 1950s. The cloth has proven to be frail and decays over time. As it decays and falls away, it leaves the wires it once insulated bare. A Santa Monica electrician, along with a team of trained electricians, can replace all of the wiring in a home to make it safe again. It is an extensive process, but once the wiring has been updated, you can expect your homeowner’s insurance to be much lower.

If you are not sure what kind of electrical wiring you have in the home, you can call for an inspection by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners don’t have to guess about what is behind their walls. An inspection will tell you exactly what you are dealing with. There is a chance some of the wiring has already been updated. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical wiring inspection so you know what needs to be done to make your home safe.

Updating that Old Wiring by a Glendale Electrician

Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items
Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items

Electrical wiring is one of those things you don’t really think about. It is tucked away nicely behind your walls and is not really one of those things that comes up in normal conversation. You flip a switch you have light, you plug in your phone charger and it works. What more is there to think about? An electrician in Glendale will tell you there is a lot more to think about and be concerned about if your home was built before the 1950s. The team at The Electric Connection has seen it before and has helped other customers bring their homes up to date by upgrading their old wiring.

Old wiring may not seem like an issue until you get behind those walls. When you see how frail it is and the risk is poses to your home, you will see why other owners of older homes have taken the plunge and upgraded their electrical systems. Old wiring that was insulated with cloth was safe then, but by today’s standards, it is a fire waiting to happen. The cloth becomes brittle and falls apart, leaving the wires exposed. One touch of those wires is all it takes to create a spark that will ignite the insulation in the walls explains a Glendale electrician.

Old wiring typically means outdated electric panels as well. You have probably noticed your home doesn’t seem to accommodate as much as the neighbor’s newer home when it comes to plugging things in. You probably cannot run the microwave and the toaster at the same time or run the vacuum if you are making coffee. This can be explained by your electrician. Glendale homes built 60 years ago were not built to accommodate the many electrical appliances that we use in today’s world. If you are concerned about your home’s wiring, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule an inspection.

Hiding Home Entertainment Wiring with Pasadena Electrician

blog_electricianWith flat screen televisions the new norm in home entertainment systems, those large, wooden entertainment centers are being phased out. Now, it is much easier to simply hang the television on the wall and free up quite a bit of space in the living area. Unfortunately, those entertainment centers provided a nice camouflage for all of the wires that go along with your media equipment. Your Pasadena electrician has a few tips to help you make it all look a little cleaner and less disorganized. If you need help installing or organizing your electrical cords, you can always call The Electric Connection.

Cord Organizers

Your first step is to tidy up the cords that have a lot of length left. These can turn into a tangled mess on the floor that can ultimately become a hazard. Kids and pets will love the cords and could electrocute themselves or yank the television down. Consider using cord organizers, which are small plastic cases that keep cords wound up and out of sight, or use cable ties to keep the extra length in check.

Hide the Cords

Hide the cords under the equipment, behind the shelf or stand the equipment is on or if using a flat screen, behind the television. You can also find nifty covers that run the length of the wall. The covers hide the cords and can be painted to match your existing wall.

More Outlets

Many older homes have outlets that are close to the floor. Consider having an electrician in Pasadena install an outlet higher up on the wall for you to plug your flat screen into. This will keep you from running the cord down the wall.

In a Closet

Consider hiding your electrical wires and cords in a closet or pantry. This will need to be taken care of by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can successfully put all of their necessary equipment in this small space, keeping the room clean and tidy. Give The Electric Connection a call today to take care of your home entertainment needs.